Hope in the Wilderness...

Can you imagine getting lost on a hike in the mountains or an excursion through the desert … while simultaneously running out of water?

After hours or even days of parched wandering, stumbling across a road or rushing river would bring a massive sigh of relief. In extreme cases, it could even mean the difference between life and death.

In Isaiah 43, God is reminding His people who He is—the one and only God—and also what He has done. But then He goes on to say ...

“But forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:18-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Speaking through the prophet Isaiah, God wasn’t just flashing signposts toward the Messiah’s coming—the ultimate pathway through the wilderness and thirst-quencher in the desert (though He was certainly doing that). His words are also a promise to us, because He still continues to restore—right here and right now.

Even when you’re lost in your own wilderness, God knows exactly where you are.

Have you ever messed up? Made a bad decision? Hurt someone you love? He can do something new.

Are you weary or exhausted? Burdened or burned out? Overwhelmed or overworked? He can do something new.

Do you feel trapped, stuck, hopeless, or held captive by something you can’t seem to escape? He can do something new.

The same God who made a way for the Israelites escaping Egyptian slavery when they were cornered against the Red Sea with no backup plan—can also make a way for you.

Paying attention to God’s provision is vital for recognizing His presence.

God loved the world so much that He refused to leave us to ourselves. Instead, He sent His Son, Jesus, to make a way. He sent His Son, Jesus, to be the way. Jesus Christ is the pathway in the wilderness and a river in the desert.

Do you not see it?

Let us look for Him, watch for Him, and expect for Him to do something new.

Live on Purpose...

Live on Purpose

Without intentionality, people tend to drift—becoming complacent instead of motivated, lacking vision instead of leveraging purpose.

But for those of us in Christ, we’re called to something more than drifting our way through life.

The author of the book of Hebrews said it this way…

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:24-25‬ ‭NLT‬‬‬‬‬‬

Earlier in the chapter, we’re told that the old system of sacrifices couldn’t cut it. But Jesus—the ultimate sacrifice—made a way once and for all.

Now, we have access to God’s presence, provision, and power forever.

And so the author encourages the reader to inspire their fellow believers. Let’s break down what they say:

- “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works…” It’s easy to slip into routines and patterns that, at the end of the day, don’t have eternal value. It’s easy to become numb, idle, and indifferent. But that’s not the way of Jesus! Let us use our God-given ingenuity to point each other back to Him. Let us be expectant for the opportunities—and even interruptions—that He places in our paths.

- “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do…” Gathering together as the body of Christ is a privilege—a privilege that not everyone around the world can do safely. We shouldn't take community for granted. Life isn’t just about what we need, but also about being there for each other—to meet practical needs, to help each other grow spiritually, to pray and worship together, and to collectively invite God’s presence.

- “...but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” Just as hundreds of prophecies were fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, the rest will come to fruition on the day of His return. Rest assured, He is coming back! So let’s encourage one another to stay focused. Let’s encourage one another to be ready.

With a little thought and intentionality, we can live on purpose.

The Greater Light...

From the gentle morning sun rays that break through your window in the morning to the headlights that guide you on your way home at night, light is a constant presence.

Yet, there is a greater Light than any physical light we know…

In Isaiah 60:1, the prophet speaks of this greater Light. And his words are more than pretty poetry and a prophecy; they are a call to action, an encouragement for God's people to find hope—Light, in the midst of darkness (Isaiah 59:9-10):
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you."
Isaiah 60:1
This Light is a beacon of hope, the picture of salvation and spiritual awakening. This Light is the true Light, the Messiah—Jesus Christ. He is the light God’s people needed then (Isaiah 59:9-10), and He is the light our hearts desperately need today.
In a world that sometimes can feel like it’s drowning in darkness—disasters, wars, injustice, and suffering—Isaiah's message is an invitation to embrace God’s true Light of salvation, revealed in the New Testament to be Jesus Christ. Let this light shine brightly within you, driving out the shadows of darkness and illuminating the path for those who don’t know this Light.

Pause for a moment. Imagine a world filled with the light of God's love and truth. Can you imagine a world where the light of Christ shines from the windows of every home and down every street…

God wants to use you—yes, you—to shine His light.



If you’ve spent any time on a boat in the ocean, you know what it feels like to look up from the water, and suddenly realize you’ve drifted off course.

Without an anchor, there’s nothing to hold you in place.

Likewise, the ever-shifting waves of the world’s opinions can feel just as fluid and unsteady as the sea. When a storm rages, it can feel impossible to discern what’s up from what’s down—much less recognize God’s will.

In his letter to believers in Rome, where cultural trends were just as wobbly as ours are today, the apostle Paul wrote this:

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

So how can you renew your mind with the right stuff? How can you test and approve God’s will? Here are a few ideas:

Keep listening. You can know the story of God and understand the heart of God by reading or listening to His Word. You’re more susceptible to lies when you do not know the truth. But when you’re anchored to Truth, lies lose their power.

Keep talking. As honest and raw as possible, keep talking to God throughout your day. Ask Him your hard questions, come to Him with your burdens, and worship Him for His goodness, as well as the goodness you see around you. Communication with your Creator keeps you anchored to your Creator.

Keep learning. You can stay curious while also filtering what kind of information you put into your mind. You can pay attention to what you’re watching, what you’re listening to, and who you’re allowing to speak into your life.

You can resist drifting by anchoring yourself to the Truth—the words that come from God Himself.

Loving God's Word...

Loving God’s Word

When we want to learn a new skill, we take care to learn everything we can about that subject.

Artists try different supplies and techniques to enhance their art. Musicians practice their music measure by measure, note by note, in order to memorize and perfect the song they are learning. Architects and engineers memorize and practice advanced math in order to design and build safe structures.

We give our time and minds to things so that we can use them well.

King David wanted to know God. He knew in order to know God, he would need to know God’s Word, because he knew that Scripture would keep him from sinning against God. He even wrote:

“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.”
Psalm 119:15 ESV

This is a valuable lesson for us to learn as well: if we want to know God, to know Jesus, then we need to know God’s Word.

Just as we give our minds to the study of history or math, or we practice an instrument in order to play it well, we must also give our minds and time to knowing God’s Word. We should meditate on Scripture and fix our eyes on what Jesus has taught us. When we do this, we store up His wonderful Word in our hearts and it keeps us from sinning against Him.

We can know exactly what God wants and desires for us by reading Scripture.

His Word gives us boundaries, guidance, and direction. His Word shows His purposes and character. His Word reveals to us who He is, and we get to respond with joy and obedience. So today, what will you give your time to? In what ways will you store up God’s Word in your heart?

God as Your Creator...

Have you ever paused to reflect on God as your Creator?
God is unlike any other that is, was, or will be. He alone is able to fully sustain that which He creates. And He alone is able to create—miraculously orchestrating His purposes—merely by speaking it into existence.
But there's more…

If you dig even deeper into the pages of Scripture, you learn about power by which God creates:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Through him, all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made.
John 1:1-3

For in him, all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16

The writer of Hebrews assures us that, "by faith, we understand that the universe was created by the word of God so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible" (Hebrews 11:3 NIV).
This "Word" is Jesus Christ, and through Him, God brought everything into existence. The ultimate redemption of all God's promises will come through that same Word—Jesus Christ.

Reflect on that truth for a moment: The same power that spoke the universe into existence is the same power that will bring about the redemption of all things promised.

Today, take some time to reflect on God’s role as Creator, and allow it to fill you with great hope. Because He's not just any creator; He's your Creator, and He holds the very universe—and your life—in His hands.

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

The author of Ecclesiastes spent a lot of time exploring the meaning of life. This “Teacher,” a king of Israel in Jerusalem (traditionally identified as King Solomon), tried it all in his quest for meaning—power and prestige, wealth and women. And, yet, still, he observed that generations come and generations go, but it all seems to be an endless cycle…

We work hard, but we eventually die.
We acquire things, but we eventually die.
We have families, but eventually we die.
Whether we spend our lives doing good or evil, we all eventually die.

But he goes on to say:

“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.”
Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When you gaze up at a star-filled sky, hold a newborn baby in your arms, or hike through a field of wildflowers, you are meant to be reminded of something greater—your Creator.

When you study what’s been recorded in human history or even process your own life, you get glimpses of the bigger picture—but you can still only see so much.

It’s not your job to know everything, but it is your job to trust God.

At the very end of the book, the Teacher shares his final thoughts: “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” (Ecclesiastes‬ ‭12‬:‭13‬).

When you look back on this year, what was beautiful? Even if it was challenging or excruciating, what did God teach you through it?

Regardless of the past or what the future holds, you can trust that God is working—from beginning to end.

God Cares For You...

One of the amazing things about the God we see in Scripture is that He cares for the outcast, the weak, and the hopeless. He is a God of second chances. He loves to do His greatest work through the most unlikely people.

God could work through the most powerful and wealthy people. But, one of the ways God shows His true power is when He strengthens the weak and gives power to the powerless.

When God sent His Son to earth, Jesus came in the form of a helpless baby. When Jesus chose His twelve disciples, He chose the most unlikely group of followers.

God doesn’t choose the powerful; He empowers those He chooses. This is great news for us! We may not be the best at what we do or the most influential person–but God can still use us!

You may not feel like you have the right traits or talents to be used by God–and that’s okay. God can use anyone and everyone. God makes it a habit of taking our greatest weakness and greatest pains to use for His kingdom work.

Take a moment right now to ask God for strength. If you’re feeling weak, ask Him to increase your power. While He may not fix your weakness immediately, when you’re open to God using you, He will turn unlikely situations into powerful moments for His kingdom.

Ask Him to open your heart and mind to how He can use your weaknesses to make a difference in the world around you.

Trusting God through Pain...

Trusting God through Pain

Have you ever experienced deep pain? Maybe you or someone you know received a painful diagnosis. Or perhaps you or someone you know is living with lifelong pain.

All of us experience pain, sickness, and suffering in our life. It’s part of our human experience because of the effects of sin on creation. Every single person will experience death, pain, and sickness.

However, in the midst of those things, God promises to be with us. The Psalmist gives us an incredible promise in Psalm 73:26. Even though our flesh and heart will fail, God promises to be our strength and portion forever.

That means God is working in our life to strengthen us. Scripture tells us that one day, God will make everything new (Revelation 21:5). The world will be like He intended it to be–free of pain, suffering, and death. God will restore all things.

So, while we experience pain and suffering in this life, we can have hope and look forward to the restoration of all things–especially the resurrection of our bodies. The God who created us from the inside out and knows everything about us will restore our bodies to perfection when we join Him in heaven.

Take a moment to reflect on the frailty of your earthly body. Give thanks to God for creating you and giving you life. Just like the Psalmist, ask Him to be your strength and your portion forever. Remember that He cares for you and loves you. Take hope that one day, He will restore all things, including our pain and suffering.

Give Him Your Praise...

Worship is the act of praising God for who He is and what He has done for us. Throughout Scripture, worship is a central act of the Christian life.

As Christians, we have received so much from God. Through Jesus Christ, we have received salvation and grace. We now have a new life in Christ and are secure for eternity.

Our response back to God for all of these things should be worship. Praising Him for His goodness and mercy and thanking Him for the things He has done.

We often think of worship as singing songs to God. And within this form of worship, we can do things like clap our hands, pray to God, or raise our hands in awe of Him.

But, singing songs is not the only form of worship. We can worship God in every area of our life. We worship God through prayer and gratitude. We can also worship God by being in awe of His creation.

As the writer of Psalm 47 says, shouting out to God and worshiping God comes from the joy within our heart. As we consider the greatness and goodness of God, as well as everything He has given us, we worship Him out of the joy within us.

Consider during this Advent season how you can intentionally worship God. You can begin by thanking Him for His faithfulness and goodness or any of His other attributes. Express your gratitude for the things He has done in your life and the things He’s given you.

The Lord Our Warrior...

There are many different ways we can think about God. He is presented in Scripture as a God of love and mercy. He is also the Creator as well as our Rescuer. God is even spoken of as a Protector and a Warrior. Most importantly, God is the Protector of His people, those who trust in Him.

We don’t always consider God as a warrior, fighting on our behalf through the various trials and battles in life. Maybe you even remember a tough season when it seemed like God was absent or felt distant. Typically, in seasons of difficulty, it is us who draw away from God, not God drawing away from us.

Scripture says that God is our strength and shield. But it also says that we should trust Him, which means we have to believe He is present and working in the background even when we don’t think He is. Psalm 28:7 says that as we trust in Him, He will help us in our need.

In addition to trusting in God during seasons of difficulty, the Psalmist encourages us to find joy in God, not only through trusting Him but also through singing songs of praise and worship. Singing to God, especially in the midst of tough seasons, has the power to turn our hearts and minds toward God because singing to God is actually a way of building trust in God.

Songs remind us of who God is and what He has done for us in the past, so that we can trust Him in the present. All of this builds our trust and produces joy in our lives.

During this Advent season, and time of reflection, consider: Are you trusting God to be your strength and shield, or are you trying to manage life’s difficulties alone? What songs can you think of that can help build your faith and joy in this season? Every season of life provides a new opportunity to trust God as our Protector and praise Him for all He has done for us.

The Mark of a Disciple...

The Mark of a Disciple

Jesus says that everyone will be able to recognize us as His disciples by our love for one another. That means loving one another the way Jesus intended is a way of identifying ourselves as Christians. It is also one way to share the love of Jesus with others.

While culture promotes a selfish way of living, where we look out for ourselves first, God’s Word encourages us to be counter-cultural in how we love others.

We should be selfless instead of selfish.
We should do what we can to put others before
We should look for ways to help one another.

When we choose to love others, we show them Jesus' love. And through loving others, people will recognize that our lives differ from the world around us. We will be able to share the message and hope of Jesus through the love that we show.

Take time during this season of Advent, to reflect on your own life. Do people know you as a disciple of Jesus Christ through the way you love others? If not, what steps can you take to build a habit of love?

To the Glory of Christ

To the glory of Christ

When we begin to follow Jesus Christ, everything in our life changes. We are no longer the same person, bound by past mistakes. By following Jesus, we are made new and given a second chance at life.

In our old ways of life, we did things for our own glory—our own praise and recognition. But in our new life with Jesus, we should desire to do everything for God.

Every word and action is an opportunity to love and praise God.

Whether you’re doing something difficult like raising a family or pursuing school or something simple like washing dishes or cleaning up trash—all these are opportunities to love and praise God. Even though some tasks feel insignificant or mundane, God asks us to do those tasks with Him in mind. It is God who gives us the breath and ability to do anything in life, so we should always be grateful for the opportunities we have.

Are there tasks in your life that cause you to grumble or complain?

As you spend time reflecting during this Advent season, consider how to perform tasks to the best of your ability, representing God in your actions. Reflect on the changes in your life since following Jesus Christ. Give thanks for the breath God has given and for the opportunity to praise Him through words and actions.



If you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, come.
If you’re feeling grateful or expectant, come.
If you’re feeling joyful or grievous, confident or doubtful, encouraged or frustrated, come.

“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!”
Psalm 95:6

There’s something about falling on our faces before the One who created us—and everything that exists—that reminds us of who He is and who we are not.

When was the last time you stopped—in your car, in your kitchen, in your rushing, in your humanness—to simply come to God?

When you notice a gorgeous sunset, come.
When you can’t see through your tears, come.
When you’re captivated by a child’s smile, come.
When you’re overwhelmed by bad news, come.
When you’re motivated to make an impact, come.
When you’re deflated beyond words, come.

Come to the Lord, your Maker.
He has already come to you.

Wait on the Lord...

When the world around you seems wild, or the heart inside you feels weary, you can still count on God.

The psalmist said it like this:

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭130‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This is one of fifteen psalms known as the Pilgrim Songs, or the Songs of Ascent (comprising Psalms 120-134)—sung by Jewish travelers making the trek to Jerusalem for annual festivals.

If you read the rest of the chapter, you’ll notice a heaviness, a tenderness, a tone of repentance. The psalmist cries out “from the depths”—wanting to be heard, begging for mercy, longing for the redemption of His people, all the while hoping in and waiting on the Lord.

The NLT translation says, “I am counting on the Lord…”

If you’ve ever wondered who—other than you—has had to hope in, wait on, and trust in the Lord, it’s everyone. It’s all of us. Every person in biblical history, from Noah to Moses, Rahab to Ruth, Peter to Paul… down to us, living in this modern day.

Those who lived before Jesus Christ were waiting on the Messiah to come and rescue a fallen world. Those who live after Jesus, like us, are waiting on Him to come back and redeem everything that’s been lost—once and for all.

The season of Advent reminds us that regardless of who you are, where you’re from, or what you’ve done, you can cry out and wait on God.

He is trustworthy, He is faithful, and He always makes good on His promises.

As you wait upon the Lord during this Advent season, know that He wants you to come close—so that He can be your strength so that He can give you comfort, and so that He can provide everything you need.

What Does It Mean to be Blessed?

We all want a good life. We all want a life that is blessed and successful.

Almost everyone on earth is searching for that, and we all have our own way of attaining the life we want. Some people look for happiness and fulfillment in material possessions. Others try to find happiness through gaining success and fame. And others search for fulfillment through relationships.

But rather than following the paths of the world around us, Psalm 119:2 says that true happiness and fulfillment come from obeying God. Since God is the creator and ruler of the universe, He certainly knows what is best for us. Following God’s guidance and direction for our life is the only way we will find true fulfillment. And the writer of Psalm 119 says that those who seek God with all their heart will be blessed.

A blessed life is a happy and fulfilled life, but it’s also a life that doesn’t find ultimate happiness and fulfillment through anything on this earth.

A truly blessed life comes through God.

You were created to enjoy a relationship with God. The more we seek God and desire Him, the more we will find a truly blessed life, because true blessing comes from spending time with God.

The Giver of Good Things

James 1:17 has a lot to tell us about God. First off, James tells us that God is the one who gives good and perfect gifts. Everything starts with God, so all good gifts and blessings in life come from God.

In addition to that, it is God who gives us salvation, which is the greatest gift. He freely offers us eternal life by believing in Jesus Christ as the One who saves us. God not only gives perfect gifts, but He also is the perfect Gift.

The next thing we learn about God in this verse is that God reigns from heaven but has also come down from heaven to us. God rules and reigns from His throne in Heaven (Psalm 103:19). He is the perfect gift that has come down from heaven.

Lastly, we learn that God is unchanging. Humans are constantly changing. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and His character never changes.

The God who loves us and gives us grace today will do the same tomorrow.

So take some time today to thank God for who He is and what He has done for you. Thank Him for the gifts and blessings He has given you. Thank Him for the gift of salvation.

The Urgency of Giving...

Have you ever waited to do something you knew was the right thing to do?

When Paul wrote his second letter to the Corinthians, the church in Corinth needed correction. In the ninth chapter, Paul focused on a promise the Corinthians had made a year before to help struggling Christians in Jerusalem. Not only had the Corinthians made this promise—to collect an offering and send it to Jerusalem—but they were so eager in their pledge, they had inspired other churches to follow their lead.

However, the Corinthians were taking a long time to follow through on their promise, and in the meantime, their brothers and sisters in Jerusalem were suffering. Not only that, their eagerness to give had waned, and they were no longer setting the generous example they had before. So Paul wrote:

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

When we are reluctant to give, we miss out on the chance to bless others. Disobedience can harden our hearts toward others. We can hold on to what we have because we think we know best.

Instead, when you give with urgency, Paul says, “God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). He will bless you “so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God” (2 Corinthians 9:11).

Now, that may not always mean God will enrich you financially. But it does mean that God will always provide you with the means to be generous—with your time, energy, and money. And because God does not wait to provide for us, we shouldn’t wait to provide for others.

Today, look for opportunities to show your generosity and share the good gifts God has given you—and when you see one, don’t wait to act! Instead, give with a cheerful spirit.

Marked by Love...

Imagine God’s perfect creation: the Garden of Eden. In the garden, there was no evil and hardship—the world was good. Unfortunately, because the devil deceived humans into disobeying God, we now live in an imperfect world.

The world we live in is different from what God intended—in this world, situations are not always good. People make mistakes and sometimes hurt us and the people we love. Because of this, you might feel uncertain about loving others or even God. But there’s good news: When our world changed, God did not change.

God is still perfect—and He still loves us perfectly. Regardless of the mistakes we make, God will not stop loving us. We know God loves us because He redeemed our mistakes on the cross through Jesus Christ. And when Jesus returned to heaven, He sent His Holy Spirit to be with us.

His love for us is not dependent upon our love for Him—it’s not reliant on what we do, what we say, or how we act. This doesn’t mean we should purposefully go against God’s Word—it means that no matter where we’re at in life, God’s love will meet us where we are.

In 1 John 4, we are told that whoever remains in love remains in God because God is love. If we say we love God, the evidence of love in our lives should be seen through how we treat and serve others. This doesn’t always feel natural—but this is a challenge the Lord wants to help us overcome.

As we grow closer to Him, His love is perfected in us. And as He transforms us into people perfected by His love, we don’t have to fear His judgment because we can be confident that we are His.

God desires our love, and our love for Him grows through worship, prayer, and spending time in His Word. But God is also the source of love, and He wants to help us remain in love so we can remain in Him. He loves us perfectly, understands our imperfections, and can make us perfect in His love.

So today, take some time to ask the Lord to help you live a life marked by love.

A Prayer of Blessing...

This blessing represents an ideal condition for someone who follows God. The first part of the blessing is for protection. Because God is all-powerful, He is our ultimate Protector.

The second part is a prayer for grace from God. For God’s face to shine upon someone is for the favor of God to be on them. But for this to happen, we need to be in relationship with God. We ought to spend time with God each day, learning from Him and receiving His grace through His Spirit.

The last part of the blessing is for God’s face to turn towards us. This means that God is looking out for our good. And there is nothing we can do to earn God’s favor because He gives it freely.

The primary way that God blesses us today is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. When we have faith in Jesus, our future is eternally secure in Him. After we begin a relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives within us and empowers our new life.

God’s grace, favor, and protection are all available to us.