A Gift Worth Receiving
After Jesus healed a man who had been paralyzed for almost four decades, the religious Jews were angry with Him. This may seem strange, because healing is a good thing, but Jesus performed this miracle on the Sabbath—the day of rest. In the Old Testament, God gave believers a long list of rules to follow in order to stay right with Him, and these rules included honoring the Sabbath.
But in the New Testament, Jesus was sent to change our relationship with the Father. By sacrificing Himself on the cross, He gave us access to a relationship with God—so that long list of rules was no longer needed. Throughout Jesus' life, He shows people the nature of this new relationship. But because it didn’t line up with what the religious establishment believed, they were angry with Him.
In John 5, Jesus justifies these changes through revealing His true authority. By calling God His Father, He shared that He was equal to God. This angered the religious Jews, but it gives us a deeper look into the relationship between the Father and Son.
Jesus tells us that the Father and Son are united in love. The Son does not ‘work’ for the Father—instead they work together, and the work Jesus does perfectly reflects the will of His Father.
This relationship reveals that Jesus has authority to give us eternal life with Him.
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.
John 5:24 ESV
When we hear God’s Word and believe in Jesus, we have access to a relationship with Him that will last forever. Unlike the Jews in the Old Testament before this new covenant, we don’t have to follow strict laws perfectly to gain salvation.
All we have to do is accept the gift Jesus has given us through His authority. Have you accepted this gift?
Fight Back with Truth...
Fight Back with Truth
At the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, a strange thing happened: He was led into the wilderness, by the Spirit, where He encountered the devil.
After fasting for forty days and forty nights, Jesus was hungry—taunted by the enemy to satisfy His craving for food. Essentially, Satan tried to provoke Jesus to prove that He was God’s Son by turning rocks into bread.
Can you sense the manipulation?
If you’re really the Son of God, do something. Take matters into your own hands. Give in to your desire. Provide for yourself. Is God even good if He holds out on you?
But Jesus refused to be bullied.
“Jesus answered, ‘It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
Matthew 4:4 NIV
This pattern continued throughout two more temptations—where the devil temped Jesus with protection and power, but Jesus rebuked him with Scripture.
So what are some things we can learn from Jesus’ encounter with the enemy?
- Jesus knew that life is more than having a full stomach. Though He surely longed to satisfy his physical craving, He knew that true sustenance comes from God.
- Jesus knew that engaging in debate with the enemy isn’t wise. Instead, He relied on the power of Scripture, quoting from Deuteronomy as His weapon of defense.
- Jesus knew He had nothing to prove. Unlike Adam and Eve in Genesis, who doubted God’s goodness and gave into temptation, Jesus was able to resist the enemy.
- Jesus knew He was being tempted by the devil and acted in accordance. We must learn to recognize when we're under attack, and remember to fight back with God’s Word.
So, how is the enemy tempting you this week? How is he enticing you to doubt God’s trustworthiness? Remember, God has enabled you to fight back with truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What Really Matters...
What Really Matters
God designed our hearts and our brains—our emotions and our intellect—to work together.
For example, when we love someone, we’re compelled to know them on a deeper level. And as we uncover their passions and their heartaches and what makes them tick, we are often compelled into an even deeper kind of love.
When the apostle Paul was writing to the believers in Philippi (a city in Greece) he gave them this charge:
“I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.”
Philippians 1:9-10 NLT
No one wants to waste their time, their energy, or their one precious life. But when we understand what’s important—knowing and loving God, knowing and loving people—we can choose to spend our lives on what matters most.
So what did Paul want for the Philippians?
Paul longed for their love to be evident while their knowledge continued to grow; for a life of love to be cultivated while understanding continued to flourish.
The Bible teaches that knowledge of God is true understanding (Proverbs 9:10) and that the most important commandment is to love God and love people (Matthew 22:37-40). And we gain insights about God’s character by studying His Word, learning from His creation, and living with love.
As we love God with our hearts and minds, lean into knowledge and faith, and embrace truth and grace, we can experience a more complete picture of God’s beautiful plan.
We can shine light into an increasingly dark world. We can add vision, clarity, and meaning to whatever circles we frequent. We can be known for loving our Creator and loving the people around us. We can live God-honoring lives until the day we meet our Savior face to face.
God is Our Comfort...
God is Our Comfort
Have you ever looked around you and wondered, “why is there so much evil, wickedness, and pain in the world?”
In Psalm 94, King David is extremely upset about the state of humanity. People are blaming God for the world’s rampant wickedness as though God did not see it and did not care (verses 1-7). So David reminds his audience that the Lord is Creator, and He knows, sees, and hears all that goes on (verses 8-11).
Because of God, David could say, “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” (Verse 19)
King David’s “cares of the heart” were because of the wickedness and evil he saw—and our world is not much different. But David’s consolation in all the evil he witnessed was his Creator and Savior.
That’s why He could close his psalm by writing, “But the LORD has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge. He will bring back on them their iniquity and wipe them out for their wickedness, the LORD our God will wipe them out.” (Verses 22-23)
This isn’t the most pleasant psalm to read. It’s full of pain and anger, sorrow and injustice. But, it’s a prayer of hope and perspective which we can learn from.
There is wickedness, injustice, and war all around us. But in the midst of pain and brokenness, we can follow King David’s example and look to God for comfort and peace. God took care of our shame and sin through the death of Jesus Christ, and He will one day take care of all wickedness and evil.
Until then, like David, we can say, “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.”
By trusting in God and knowing that He will one day wipe away all wickedness, we can bring Him our hopes, dreams, fears, and concerns and receive His comfort.
So right now, think about the cares you have that need to be given to God. How can knowing God cheer your soul?
From Dawn to Dusk...
From Dawn to Dusk
Imagine, for a moment, this wonderfully diverse planet we call home. Everything you can imagine from the skies above to the deepest part of the ocean—God created all of it. And God created all of us to worship Him.
From north to south and east to west.
From bustling cities to quiet villages.
From lifeless deserts to life-packed forests.
From the highest mountains to the farthest oceans.
“From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”
Psalm 113:3 NIV
The sun “rises” and “sets” on all of us. All people, all languages, all nations. All skin colors, eye colors, and hair colors. All shapes, sizes, and personalities. Rich and poor. Aching hearts and contagious smiles.
An eclectic mix of people from various parts of the world have always been praising God from generation to generation—and it continues to happen now. And we know it will never stop.
In Revelation 7, John has a vision of a “great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb,” who is Christ. They are serving and worshiping, all day and night.
God’s people—past, present, and future—are people who worship.
We can worship with our songs.
We can worship with our gifts.
We can worship with our lives.
And one day, when we finally see things clearly, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. But today, we don’t have to wait to worship.
When sunlight streams through your windows, you can worship.
When the evening sky turns orange-ish pink, you can worship.
When you’re in a season of waiting, you can worship.
When you’re in a season of receiving, you can worship.
When your heart is breaking, you can worship.
When your heart is full, you can worship.
From dawn to dusk, let the name of the Lord be praised.
Today, think about this verse and consider what compels you to worship God. Then, shift your heart toward Him and don’t forget to worship.
A True Neighbor...
A True Neighbor
Have you ever wondered: “What does God want me to do?”
If you’re looking for a verse that summarizes the commands in both the Old and New Testaments, here’s what Paul wrote to the believers in Galatia…
“For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Galatians 5:14 NLT
Paul’s words echo a command Jesus gave when He was asked what the most important commandment was (Matthew 22:37-40). What they’re both essentially saying is: beyond loving God with everything in you, you should love your neighbor as yourself.
Who is your neighbor? A Jewish expert in religious law once asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29) So Jesus told him a story about a man who was beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. Both a priest and a Levite walked by and ignored the man—but it was a Samaritan who sacrificed his time and money to help him heal.
For many reasons, Samaritans were despised by Jews. But that didn’t stop the Samaritan in this story from showing compassion. What Jesus wanted the Jewish expert (and us) to hear is that anyone, anywhere is our neighbor—and everyone is worthy of our sacrificial love.
How do you love yourself? When you have a need of any kind, you work hard to meet it. You don’t have to think about how to treat yourself; it’s just something you do. The care we unconsciously show ourselves is also how we should care for others.
How can you love your neighbor as you love yourself? If someone needs help with their home, job, or children, you can serve joyfully. If a family is struggling financially, you can give generously. If there’s someone in your life who doesn’t have a godly example to look up to, you can step into the gap.
Being a true neighbor is not always convenient and it will likely cost you, but you can still choose to love them as you love yourself. And when you serve others in this way, you are serving Jesus, too.
Today, take a moment to consider the people around you who could use your help. Then, ask God to reveal how you can love and serve them this week.
Be Imitators...
Be Imitators
Children learn to function in real life by imitating those around them.
They learn to speak by listening to their family’s words and copying what they hear. They learn to interact with others by observing how their loved ones interact with others. They learn what’s culturally and socially appropriate by watching and imitating.
Learning by imitation doesn't stop in childhood. Adults, too, will often reflect those closest to them, as well as their environment.
Perhaps that’s why, while writing from the confines of a Roman prison, the apostle Paul gave the believers in Ephesus this heartfelt charge:
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.”
Ephesians 5:1 NLT
Paul knew that loving and reflecting God was foundational. What we observe will get repeated and, eventually, passed along. The fancy word for this concept is discipleship—where we learn from those we trust and teach others what we’ve learned.
Regardless of where we’re at in life, we’re all being discipled by something. That’s why we should carefully consider who we are listening to and following. By choosing to imitate Christ, we become more like Him day by day.
Who are you imitating today?
Blessed are the Persecuted...
Blessed are the Persecuted
It’s not always easy to stand for what’s right—especially when someone makes fun of you, gossips about you, lies about you, or even abuses you because of your decision.
But when sharing the eighth of the beatitudes—a series of promises Jesus made about God’s Kingdom—Jesus offered some hope:
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:10 NIV
Leading up to this verse, Jesus had spoken unexpected blessings over an unlikely group: the poor in spirit, those who were mourning, the meek, those craving righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, and the peacemakers. Finally, He offered a blessing to the persecuted.
Jesus elaborated:
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Matthew 5:11-12 NIV
Now, we won’t be blessed for facing the consequences of our own terrible decisions. But Jesus is saying that you will be rewarded when you are shamed, canceled, or even physically persecuted because of Him.
Jesus knows what it’s like to suffer for the sake of righteousness.
You will be blessed for standing up for what is right, for trusting in God’s Word, and for defending those who cannot defend themselves. And when it gets hard, remember: you’re not alone.
The prophets before us were mocked, beaten, and even killed. Jesus’ disciples, the ones hearing these words, would also suffer and die because of their beliefs. They were persecuted for doing things differently: for loving their neighbors, fighting for sexual purity, resting on the Sabbath, and most of all, for declaring Jesus as Lord.
So no matter what it costs you, you will be blessed for standing up for what is right. Jesus says that yours is the kingdom of heaven.
Joy in Hart Times...
Joy in Hard Times
Nobody enjoys suffering. It’s hard to find joy in the midst of trials or difficult seasons—it’s much easier to feel sadness or misery.
That’s why Paul’s encouragement in Romans 5 may sound contradictory. Paul was writing this to the church in Rome experiencing suffering from ungodly rulers, and yet he encourages them to rejoice in their suffering.
It wasn’t enough to just endure suffering—he tells them to have joy. Paul knew that it wasn’t natural to be joyful in hard times, but through the work of Jesus, Christians have peace with God and access to faith (Romans 5:1-2). Faith allows us to hold onto the hope that suffering isn’t the end of our story.
Because we know that God works within our difficult situations, we can have patience and perseverance for God to complete His work. Perseverance refines our character. As we wait on God, we become people who look more like Jesus, and our trust in God grows stronger. This increases hope within us.
It’s not easy when you see suffering to have hope. But as we trust in God, we are strengthened to continue to endure. When we look at suffering from God’s perspective, we begin to realize that He is working to bring glory in every situation.
God has shown us through the Holy Spirit that He loves us. He suffered and gave Himself for us so that we could have a relationship with Him, and He will continue to give us everything we need to live a life that honors Him.
So consider how God is working in your life, even through difficult seasons. Think about the ways God has poured His love into you through the Holy Spirit. Ask Him for strength to persevere, and let that perseverance develop into a strong character that hopes and trusts in God even in hard times. And when persevering gets difficult, hold onto this truth: God has given everything for you, and He will never leave your side.
Seek This First...
Seek This First
There are a lot of things that reach for our attention. Our time is filled with people and responsibilities, with needs and desires, and these all take time.
In Jesus’ famous sermon in Matthew 6, He spends time talking about the various things in life that we give our attention to. Jesus tells us that instead of spending our time worrying about how to get what we need, we should seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. If we do that, then everything else will be taken care of.
So what does it mean to seek God’s Kingdom and God’s righteousness?
God’s Kingdom is about God’s rule and reign over all of creation. His Kingdom began in Jesus’ ministry on earth and is now expanding and continuing through the Church. The work of the Kingdom is to continue to tell others about the hope of Jesus, and to teach all the things Jesus has commanded us.
To seek God’s righteousness is to desire to live the way God intended. It is to live according to God’s commands, which requires that we make decisions that align with God’s Word.
Jesus says that if we do these two things—seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness—then every other area of our life will make sense. When we don’t prioritize God’s desires for our life first, then we’ll end up worrying about things that are temporary.
Living a life according to God’s Word ought to be our greatest concern because God’s Kingdom will last forever.
Think about how you spend your time. In what ways can you make seeking God's Kingdom your first priority? Rather than worrying about how to get what you need, seek God and watch Him meet your needs.
True Inward Transformation...
True Inward Transformation
Have you ever thought about what a proper response to God looks like when you make a mistake?
It was common in ancient times to tear your clothes as a way of repenting and showing sorrow over mistakes you may have made. It was an outward expression of something happening internally.
But what would often happen is people would make a public display of repentance without actually repenting in their heart. So, rather than tearing your clothes, God says He would rather you repent in your heart. Tearing your clothes means nothing if your heart isn’t broken before God. Outward expressions should come from true, inward transformation.
And God says that anyone who comes to Him in genuine repentance will experience His grace and compassion. We do not need to fear God’s wrath since we are His children. He encourages us to repent and return to Him when we mess up.
Scripture says that God is slow to anger and abounding in love. Rather than living in guilt and sorrow, God says He will give grace and love instead. He desires that we experience and live within His love, even when we mess up.
What is your first reaction when you mess up? If you try to hide or ignore your sin, take some time to consider why. God wants you to experience freedom and love. Go to Him with what you’re carrying in your heart, and repent of anything that goes against His ways.
Remember that nothing can remove His love from you. He desires that you live in grace and mercy as a child of God.
Wrestling with Unbelief...
Wrestling with Unbelief
Have you ever believed that God could do something, but wrestled with doubt at the same time?
In Mark 9, we discover a story of a desperate father seeking healing for his son. The boy had been possessed by an evil spirit, causing him great suffering. The father, filled with both faith and doubt, approached Jesus to heal his son. In the midst of his plea, he cried out, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24).
The reminder is a powerful one: it's okay to acknowledge our doubts and bring them before the Lord. It doesn't mean we have no faith.
The father's declaration, "I do believe," reveals his faith in Jesus' power to heal. He also recognizes the presence of doubt within him. He humbly asks Jesus to strengthen his faith and help him overcome his unbelief. In this simple yet profound statement, the father shows a willingness to surrender his doubts to the One who can provide the answers and the assurance he seeks.
Like the father in this story, you too may experience moments of doubt and uncertainty. You may question God's plans, struggle to understand His ways, or feel overwhelmed by the challenges you face. In those moments, remember that your doubts do not disqualify you from God's love and grace. Instead, they provide an opportunity for you to draw closer to Him, seeking His guidance and strength.
Ultimately, Jesus commanded the evil spirits to leave the man’s son (Mark 9:25-26). The son received healing and even in his wrestling, the father’s prayer was answered.
If you find yourself facing a difficult situation and you believe God can act but are also wrestling with doubt, remember that you are not alone. Bring your uncertainties to Jesus, just as the father did. Cry out, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" Trust that He will meet you in your doubts, providing the reassurance and guidance you seek.
A Worthy Guide...
A Worthy Guide
Is it possible to live a life that honors God? Is it achievable to train our minds and bodies to do what we know is right—instead of feeling powerless against temptation?
Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia is a guide for such questions:
“So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.”
Galatians 5:16
Without surrendering and submitting to God’s lead, our sinful nature is at war with what God has for us.
Left to ourselves, we crave what the world desires. And the more we give into our unique shades of temptation, the more we crave (like craving sweets for the sugar, or craving pornography for the dopamine rush). But with the help of the Holy Spirit, who softens and molds and reshapes our hearts, we can learn to crave what God’s deemed best.
To put it simply, the secret to living a godly life is the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit just so happens to be God—one of the three persons of the Trinity: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus has already done the hard and beautiful work of salvation—by living, dying, and rising again for the sake of His children—but now He wants to continue His mighty work in us and through us.
If it sounds impossible, it is impossible—if you’re fighting by yourself. But, as Jesus told His disciples, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27 NIV) The psalmist also brought another valuable perspective, writing, “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.” (Psalms 119:9 NIV)
When we cling to His Word, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to live a life that honors Him.
God Guides Our Lives...
God Guides Our Life
Have you ever had something unexpected happen? Maybe it was a surprise that brought you joy, or maybe it was a tragedy that affected your life. All of us experience moments in life that we don’t anticipate.
Even though unexpected things will happen, we still plan and dream for how our lives will go. We may have plans for our future education or plans for specific relationships in our lives. But we can never really plan for the unexpected since we do not know the future. We don’t even know what might happen in the next few minutes.
We learn in Scripture that God is all-knowing, which means He knows everything that will happen everywhere in the world. He has complete knowledge of every event and action that happens. More than that, He is also sovereign, which means He has control over everything that happens in the world.
That means that even though we make plans in our own life, God is ultimately the one who directs our steps. He has the power to change the direction of our lives, as well as guide us into what’s best for us.
Take some time to think about the dreams and plans that you have for your life. Have you ever submitted those plans to God in prayer? This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t make plans for your life, but rather that your plans result from trusting God and seeking Him in prayer.
Take a moment to ask God to direct your steps. Ask Him to reveal any desires or plans that are not from Him. Submit your plans to God so that you’ll be open to follow Him wherever He leads you. Thank Him for His goodness and grace in guiding you in your life.
Great Joy...
Great Joy
James, the half-brother of Jesus, couldn’t believe that his flesh-and-blood sibling was the actual Son of God—until He rose from the dead. Then, he was convinced. It was that same James who wrote:
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.”
James 1:2-3 NLT
According to the first-century Jewish historian, Josephus, James was eventually martyred for his confident faith in Jesus—his brother and his Lord.
Here are five things to note from James’ mini-sermon:
- First, the text says “when troubles of any kind come your way…” It’s not if troubles come our way, but when. We live in a broken world that has not yet been fully restored, so we shouldn’t be surprised when issues and challenges arise.
- Second, the text says “when troubles of any kind come your way…” Not merely justified trouble or undeserved trouble, but any kind of trouble. And even when troubles find you, it’s an opportunity for joy.
- Third, the text connects hardships with the testing of our faith. This doesn’t mean that God causes every challenge in our life, but He can certainly use them to reveal what’s inside. It’s in the refining that we’re made to look like Him.
- Fourth, the text says, especially during difficult seasons or situations, to “consider it an opportunity for great joy.” Happiness is dependent on circumstances, but joy is accessible no matter what.
- Fifth, the text implies that troubles, trials, or difficulties all create space for endurance to grow. Think of a flower: In order for a flower to grow, it has to go through something—that something being dirt.
So when you’re faced with hard things and can’t understand why, consider it an opportunity for great joy. That’s when you know that you’re growing and becoming more like Him.
Here's What Humility Looks Like...
Here’s What Humility Looks Like…
When you think of humiliy, what comes to mind?
In our world, humility is not something often celebrated. We would rather be seen as powerful, influential, and competent. If humility is weakness, pride is strength. But is it, really?
Pride can feel good, but it can hold us back from who God made us to be. It makes us think that if we try hard enough, we can become good enough. If we’re doing great, pride makes our confidence soar. But if we’re going through a rough season, pride makes us sensitive to our failures. Pride links our worth to our accomplishments, and it prevents us from seeing who we truly are.
Humility helps us realize that we are not enough—but God is enough for us. Humility will often ask us to risk something. It might mean laying down our social standing, our reputation, our financial security, our sense of authority, or our expertise.
Surrendering our self-sufficiency, surrending our pride, lets us embrace God’s authority. And our God did miracles through Moses, established David as king of Israel, worked through Isaiah in the midst of chaos, publicly honored Mary, abundantly provided for Peter, and glorified Jesus by raising Him from the dead.
When we surrender ourselves to God, we allow Him to be glorified through us. Humility might cost us something—but it leads to abundant life.
So today, how can you humble yourself before God? Take a few moments and process what you need to lay down in order to draw closer to God within the upcoming weeks.
It's Him - In Us...
It’s Him—In Us
Think about it: God made you. God put you here, at this specific time in history. God has a plan and purpose for your life.
Not only that, but He gave you a brain that thinks, a heart that beats, and lungs that breathe. He gave you talents and abilities, hopes and desires. He gave you ears and eyes, muscles and ligaments. And He positioned you on this planet that happens to be in the ideal position in our solar system for life to thrive.
You are a part of God's plan.
A mysteriously beautiful part of God’s plan is that He chooses to work through His people…
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”
Philippians 2:13 NLT
Everything starts with God and comes from God. But we get to choose if we’ll listen to His Spirit and follow where He leads, or ignore Him. We get to decide if we’ll submit to His nudges and act on His promptings, or try to do it on our own.
It’s all God, but it’s also Him working in and through His people—just as He intended.
For those of us who belong to Christ, we are filled with His Spirit. We’re no longer slaves to sin or to this world. We’re no longer incapable of following God. Instead, He gives us new dreams and desires, thoughts and power, and a heart of compassion instead of selfishness.
So if an idea pops into your mind about blessing or encouraging someone else, don’t dismiss it. If you suddenly have a burning desire to share His message, to serve others, to give generously, or to shine His love, pay attention.
It’s likely the Spirit of God, giving you the desire and power to do what pleases Him.
Keep the Faith...
Keep the Faith
In the book of 2 Timothy, we find Paul writing a letter to Timothy, a fellow missionary. Many Bible scholars believe that this was the last letter Paul wrote before his death and that he wrote it from a Roman prison cell. Reflecting on his own life and believing that his death was coming soon, Paul writes that powerful passage:
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
2 Timothy 4:7 NIV
Paul was faithful to God and, without end, God was faithful to Paul. Shipwrecked. Stoned. Abandoned by friends. Imprisoned. The list of what Paul suffered goes on and on. But he persevered. He remained steadfast in his devotion to Christ.
When you think about your life, what do you want to be able to say at the end? What will you see when you look back?
In Paul, we see an example of what it is to cling to faith in Christ. He knew what it was to be dependent on God for everything. He drew strength from God because Paul could not do it without Him.
In our own lives, we will face moments of doubt or discouragement. Let us hold fast to the truth of God's Word, knowing that He is faithful and will never leave us. May it be said of us, at the end of our lives, that we, too, fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith.
Jesus Does the Impossible...
Jesus Does the Impossible
Jesus’ statement in Matthew 19:26 is often taken out of context. Many people have taken this verse to mean that they can do anything they want in life because God can do the impossible. Often this can lead to us asking God to do something selfish.
In order to understand what Jesus is saying, we should read the preceding verses. In Matthew 19:16-22, a young man comes to Jesus asking for eternal life. Jesus tells him that he must give up all of his earthly possessions–something the young man is not willing to do. Because he failed the test, the young man failed to inherit eternal life.
Jesus says in Matthew 19:23 that it is very difficult for a rich man to enter heaven. The point is that loving Jesus requires everything we are. Our ultimate love cannot be split between Jesus and something else.
The disciples then ask, “Who can be saved?” Jesus responds in Matthew 19:26 that it is impossible for man to save himself—but it is possible with God. God can do the very thing that man cannot.
We cannot earn our salvation. We cannot work hard enough to attain it, and we can’t achieve it on our own. It is impossible. But with God all things are made possible for us to be saved. It is only through the work and power of Jesus that we have access to salvation. And through the empowerment of the Spirit, we are enabled to have faith in God.
What in your life is keeping you from faith in Jesus? Maybe it’s a relationship. Maybe it’s material possessions. Maybe it's a wrong mindset. Whatever it might be—God has the power to remove these things from your heart so that you can have faith in Jesus.
So spend some time with God today, and ask Him to search your heart. Ask Him to reveal anything within you that is keeping you from loving Jesus better. Then, do something daring—surrender those things over to God.
Walking Through Trials...
Walking Through Trials
Let's start by debunking a myth: nowhere in Scripture does God promise us a perfect life, free from troubles. In fact, many, many times in the Bible, Christ-followers find themselves persecuted, under attack, or facing trouble of all kinds.
In a letter from James to first-century believers, James informs them about the various trials that they will experience in life:
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."
James 1:12 NIV
When we see trials as a means of becoming more like Jesus, then we’ll be blessed by them.
Maybe you can think back to a difficult season of life. Looking back, you might be able to point out how God refined you coming out of it. God is often at work behind the scenes deepening our character and enlarging our capacity, even when we don't see it.
Maybe you're going through one of those difficult seasons right now. Take this passage to heart! You can persevere knowing there is a promised reward for us in heaven. While rewards on this side of heaven are not promised, looking towards our final destination with Jesus gives us hope to endure the trials in the present.
If you’re walking through a difficult season of life, spend some time meditating on the promises of God. He promises to never abandon you or leave you, but to walk alongside you through trials. And at the end of the trial, you’ll be more like Christ.
Take a moment to thank God for His faithfulness and love in your life.