Jesus said that John the Baptist was the greatest man who had been born. What was it about John that made him great and what needs to be a part of our lives for Jesus to consider us great as well? This message comes from John 3:22-36.
Earning the Right to be Called "Dad" - Luke 15:11-31
Anyone can be called a “father” but it takes a special man to be called “dad”. Today we look at the story of the prodigal son but we want to examine the father of the story and see how he related to both of his sons. It’s a great story that challenges each dad to examine the way he relates to his children.
Earning the Right to be Called "Dad" - Luke 15:11-31
Anyone can be a “father” but it takes someone special to be a “dad”. Today we look at the father of the prodigal son and see how his example reaches out to each one of us in the way we should be relating to our children.
Which is the Way to Heaven?
There is a great debate as to what the doorway to heaven is. In John 3, we find Nicodemus talking to Jesus at night about this very thing. Nicodemus has one point of view and yet Jesus confronts that view with reality.
Wine... Coins... and Signs... (John 2:1-25)
What is about Jesus that makes Him different? Very simply, He is God! John lets us see the beginning of the Lord's public ministry. He emphasizes different aspects of His deity as He touches people's lives and reveals His power to His disciples. If we spend time with Him, we will never be the same.
What Does It Take to Follow Jesus? (John 1:35-51)
Jesus began His public ministry by choosing the first of His five disciples. How did He approach them and what did He say to them? Why did they follow Jesus? This message is from our Gospel of John series.
Does God Need John the Baptists Today? (John 1:19-34)
This is our second message in the series on the Gospel of John. It comes from John 1:19-34. What was it about John the Baptist that made him different from everyone else? Does God look for the same things in my life today?
What Do We Know about Jesus Before He was a Man? (John 1:1-18)
The question to consider is… “Who do you say Jesus is?” John endeavors to answer that question and introduce Jesus before His earthly ministry.
God Blesses Godly Women (1 Samuel 1:1-28)
Happy Mothers’ Day. Hanna serves as a wonderful example to us as she takes her burden to God and waits upon Him.
What Does It Mean to "Follow Me?"
At the end of John 21, Jesus said to Peter “follow me” twice. What does “following Jesus” really entail. This message takes us to Luke 14:25-35 where we see the cost of commitment
Coming to Terms with Your Calling (John 21:1-17) - April 26, 2020 Sermon - Pastor Mark Martin
We all struggle at times with our relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter had denied the Lord and we have an opportunity to witness their first conversation after the Lord’s resurrection. This message is part of our post-Easter series on relating to the resurrected Lord.
Reactions to the Resurrected Lord (John 20:11-31) - Pastor Mark Martin - Sermon for April 19, 2020
Easter Sermon - Pastor Mark Martin - The Resurrection: Hoax or Reality? (John 19-20)
Good Friday Sermon - Pastor Mark Martin - "How much are we like Peter?" (John 18)
Good Friday Sermon - Pastor Mark Martin
“How much are we like Peter” (John 18)
Pastor Mark Martin - Palm Sunday - When the Cheering Stopped - 4/5/2020
Pastor Mark Martin - 03/29/2020 - "The Hiding Place)
Pastor Mark Martin - 03/22/2020 - Stop Worrying (Matthew 6:25-34)
We all have a tendency to worry. The Lord addressed this in the Sermon on the Mount.
Pastor Mark Martin - 03/01/20 Sermon - The Priority of Prayer
Paul concludes his letter to the Colossians with a challenge to make prayer a priority in their lives.
Pastor Martin’s Sermon from 3/01/20 (audio begins around the 17 second mark).
Pastor Mark Martin - 3/08/20 Sermon - The Priority of Evangelism
Pastor Martin’s Sermon from 3/08/20 (audio begins around the 25 second mark).