Last night we had our first digital “Prayer and Praise” get-together on Zoom as a church family. There was about a dozen log in and we communicated with each other through the internet. It’s not quite the same as gathering together but it was great seeing and hearing from the ones that came on board.
Because of the “Shelter in Place” order that is in affect, it would be very easy to become a recluse. Let me challenge you to avoid that. If you haven’t participated in one of these online sessions, let me encourage you to do so. Now more than ever, we need to stay close as a local church body and as the Body Universal.
It is also a great time, to kick start your spiritual journey to see what God wants to challenge you with.
Last night, I spend a few moments in Psalm 18. Interestingly enough, Psalm 18 is the first long Psalm that we come to and David speaks of God’s deliverance from all of his enemies and from King Saul. if you study David’s life, you will find that for all the battles that he was in, he was never injured. Pretty amazing for a man who made warfare his business. Now, David was not a perfect man but he was a man “after God’s own heart.” David begins Psalm 18 by telling the Lord how much he loved Him. I think that serves as a pretty good model for us as well. We should focus on telling God how much we love Him. By the way, how much do you love God? Interesting question isn’t it. You may never have thought about it or spend very much time thinking about it. But, I would challenge you to spend time thinking about and telling God how much you love HIm.
Until God allows us to see each other again, remember that I love you and look forward to the day that we can spend time together praising God with each other.
Pastor Mark