God Our Rock...

God Our Rock

There are hundreds of different names and titles for God throughout Scripture. And since the Psalms are written from various seasons in life, there are many different perspectives of how God acts within those seasons. Psalm 18 is written at a time when the author, King David, was delivered from his enemies by God.

In this Psalm, David almost immediately calls God his rock, because God was dependable and stable. There was nothing that could overtake God or move Him. This truth wasn’t just for David, but for everyone who relies on God.

When we belong to God, He is a rock and a fortress for us as well. Everything in the world constantly shifts, but we belong to a God who never changes. He is our protection from things that might seek to harm us.

We belong to a God who can protect us throughout our lives. Even if we don’t have physical enemies, we can run to God when life gets difficult. That’s why, like David, we get to respond to God with praise. We need to remember what God has done so we can praise Him for who He is.

Take some time today to thank God for how He has led and protected you so far in your life. And if you’re currently in a difficult season, run to God and ask Him for help. He is able and willing to protect and comfort you.