He Will Lead the Way
Moses led the people of Israel for forty years. He led them out of slavery in Egypt, through the Red Sea, gave them the Ten Commandments from his time on Mount Sinai, and walked with them through the wilderness until they reached the edge of Canaan.
But as he neared the end of his life, God showed Moses that it was time to hand off leadership to another. In a final address to the people of Israel, he shares these final words with his successor, Joshua:
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV
This is the last record we have of Moses talking to Joshua. Notice he didn’t say, “Good luck, these people are exhausting,” or, “Here’s a situation going on, I would handle it this way.” Moses wasn’t telling Joshua how to do something, but instead, how to see everything.
Moses drew Joshua’s attention to the most important person in the story: God. Moses had been a crucial leader, but it was only because of God that Israel could move forward. It was only because of God that they made it this far. And because God is the author of the story, His provision would continue after Moses is gone.
Because God was with Israel, Joshua didn’t need to fear anything. And when God is with you, there is nothing to fear. He will lead the way.