Learn from the Wise...

Learn From the Wise

Wisdom is gained when knowledge meets experience. That is why those who are older tend to also be wiser—they have more life experience to learn from.

It is necessary in life to learn from those who have more wisdom and experience, because they can help us see things that we don’t notice. Even though culture tells us that we should live our own truth and do whatever we think is best, it is this type of thinking that leads us into trouble.

Our capacity for wisdom is limited to our experiences. This is why Scripture tells us not to be wise in our own eyes.

True wisdom comes from fearing God. This means we should have a high regard for God’s Word and His instructions to us. He knows all things, including what is best for us.

We can also gain wisdom from other people. When we can learn from the mistakes and experiences of others, we’re better equipped to not make the same mistakes. However, if you think you’re the only one who knows best, you are bound to repeat the same errors.

Make a commitment today to listen to the wisdom and guidance of God in His Word each and every day before you listen to anything else. Then, commit to listening to the wisdom of trusted Christians in your life. Resolve not to go through life alone, but rather in community with others.