Every time we turn on the news, we’re bombarded by tragedies happening in the world. Over the past few years, there has been so much world conflict, changes to our way of life, and disasters happening around the globe. This makes it easy to feel defeated and fearful of what is happening or could happen in our lifetime.
Natural disasters and global tragedies are not something unique to us. They’ve been happening ever since humankind turned away from God in the Garden of Eden. Scripture has a lot to say about these types of issues and also how God acts when tragedy strikes.
Isaiah 54:10 tells us that even though the earth shakes—God is immovable. In the midst of chaos, He is still in control. Nothing takes God by surprise, and nothing is greater than Him. A few chapters prior, in Isaiah 40, Isaiah says that God never grows weary as His power and might are everlasting.
Regardless of what is happening around us and whatever is happening within us, God’s love can never be taken from us.
In God, our past is forgiven, and our future is secured. There is nothing we can do to be taken out of the love of God. When we make mistakes, we can know that God’s feelings towards us do not change. He does not revoke His love from us; He continues to give it to us freely. He has compassion on us when we make mistakes.
That means we don’t have to live in fear. We can enter God’s presence confidently, knowing that there is nothing that can take His love from us. We can also live securely, knowing that whatever tragedies or world events occur, God’s power and might do not waver.
Scripture calls God our Rock that helps us withstand the greatest waves and earthquakes. Even when it feels like the earth is shaking and the hills are crumbling, God is at work calling us to rest upon a sure foundation—His unending love for us.