Resting in Obedience...

Resting in Obedience

In Hebrews 4:11, the consequences of disbelief and disobedience are clear, urging us to avoid repeating the history of the Israelites' rebellion.

There's a danger in neglecting God's promised rest. This verse calls for active pursuit of rest, shifting from relying on ourselves to fully trusting in God. By actively seeking this rest, we trade the wilderness of doubt for the green pastures of God’s presence.

It sounds a little odd, doesn’t it? Making an effort to rest? What the verse is really saying, though, is that we need to actively trust in the One who provides, and make a conscious choice to surrender and release the burden of proving self-worth. We have to accept that His love and His comfort is enough. We can embrace an unconditional peace that doesn't depend on how well we perform.

We rest by setting aside dedicated time for prayer, reflection, and trusting in God’s guidance. We turn toward God and away from doubt and disobedience.

What do you need to say no to in order to step into God's rest today?