The Key to Real Wisdom
Would you ever build a house without blueprints? Or assemble an airplane without instructions? Or conduct open-heart surgery without training?
Hopefully your answer is “no.”
If we want to know how something works, we should look to the expert for insight. In a similar way, if we want to know how the world works, we should look to God.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”
Proverbs 9:10 ESV
God made the world and everything in it. He knows how life works best.
But too often, we look to ourselves or even to others to tell us who we are, what to think, and to explain to us how life works. The good news is:
Wisdom doesn’t begin with us—the created.
Wisdom begins with God—the Creator.
Are you interested in real wisdom? Genuine insight? True understanding? Look to God, study His ways, and consider His character. Examine Him closely and find what you’re searching for.
Real wisdom starts with a God-centered foundation. Everything else is built on that rock.
But as we do that, we must first honestly ask ourselves some hard questions: Do I want to learn from God, or would I rather do my own thing? Do I want godly wisdom, or would I rather be my own god?
Satan fell from heaven because he wanted more power than God. Adam and Eve struggled in the garden because they weren’t sure if they could trust God. And ever since, every human has been faced with a choice: to seek God, or seek life without Him. No one can make the decision for you, but if you want to be truly wise, you must choose God.
So right now, be real with yourself: Are you willing to surrender your way of thinking and genuinely look to God, or would you rather just do your own thing? If you feel a wall of pride going up within you, ask God to help you knock it down. Brick by brick, He can reestablish your foundation.