The Ruler of Everything
If you were to look at a map of the world, you would see many different countries divided by territory lines. Each of those countries has a ruler who is responsible for what happens in those borders. Ever since the beginning of creation, humans have had ownership as rulers over portions of land.
It can be easy to look at the world and think those rulers alone have ultimate control over what happens within their land. As we look at Scripture though, we see that even though humans rule over various countries—it is God who truly rules over everything.
While many leaders have power over their land and people, God’s Word tells us that only God has true power. He is the One who created everything that exists, so He is the only one who is truly great and powerful.
Everything on earth and in heaven ultimately belongs to God, and regardless of what happens in the world, God is still the ruler over everything. No matter what earthly rulers decide, God is ultimately in control of everything. This is why God is deserving of all praise and glory for His greatness and power.
So take some time today to think about the greatness of God who made everything that exists, and yet still desires a relationship with His people. God is not some lofty ruler who makes decisions in a far off place, but He is present in the lives of those who call Him Lord.