The Spirit of Truth...

The Spirit of Truth

One of the major promises in the Old Testament is that one day the Spirit of God would dwell within the people of God. Previously, the people of God interacted with the presence of God within the temple.

In fulfillment of Scripture, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort God’s people. This has big implications. It means that Christians have access to the presence of God by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. God’s Spirit is with us wherever we go.

Jesus mentions in John 16:13 that the Spirit of God will guide us into all truth. God desires to be part of our daily journey through life, helping us and guiding us towards what is right.

When we have questions about what direction in life to take, the Holy Spirit is there to help us. When we’re not sure what is right or wrong, the Holy Spirit is with us to bring light to our decision.

Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will speak to us in accordance with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit will also reinforce and help us understand what we read in Scripture.

Throughout this week, make an effort to be mindful of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life. Remind yourself that God is with you every day. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and illuminate your path in life, and spend time praying to be comforted and strengthened by God.