The Unknown Day and Hour...

The Unknown Day and Hour

Imagine you work in someone’s home. One day, the master of the home leaves and entrusts you to steward their property, and you have no idea when they will return. What would you do?

Take a nap? Throw a party? Eat all the food in the pantry? Ignore instructions?

No. A faithful servant would follow their master’s directions and keep the home ready for their return.

Jesus’ parable in Mark 13:32-37 illustrates that the same is true of what our Master, Jesus, has given us—possessions, gifts, talents, and the like. It’s not really ours, after all—He left it in our care temporarily. We don’t know when He will return, "whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn" (Mark 13:35, NIV). But God’s Word tells us what we should do in the meantime. Here are a few tasks our Master has for us while we wait:
- Stay alert and vigilant. (Mark 13:33)
- Pray for all the Lord’s people. (Ephesians 6:18)
- Serve one another with our spiritual gifts. (1 Peter 4:10)
- Care for the needy. (James 2:14–17)
- Practice humility. (Philippians 2:3–4)
Let’s stay on guard for when “someday” becomes “today.”