Who is like you, majestic in holiness!

Who is like you, majestic in holiness?”

God has called every Christian to a holy life. There are no exceptions to this call. This call to a holy life is based on the fact that God himself is holy. Holiness is nothing less than conformity to the character of God.

Holiness in Scripture describes both the majesty of God and the purity and moral perfection of his nature. Holiness is one of his attributes—an essential part of the nature of God. His holiness is as necessary as his existence—as necessary, for example, as his wisdom or omniscience. Just as he cannot but know what is right, so he cannot but do what is right.

The absolute holiness of God should be of great comfort and assurance to us. If God is perfectly holy, we can be confident that his actions toward us are always perfect and just. We’re often tempted to question God’s actions and complain that he is unfair in his treatment of us. This is the devil’s lie, the same thing he essentially told Eve: "God is being unfair to you" (Genesis 3:4-5). But it is impossible in the very nature of God that he should ever be unfair. Because he is holy, all his actions are holy.

We must accept by faith the fact that God is holy, even when trying circumstances make it appear otherwise. To complain against God is in effect to deny his holiness and to say he is not fair. As Stephen Charnock said, "It is less injury to him to deny his being, than to deny the purity of it; the one makes him no God, the other a deformed, unlovely, and a detestable God . . . he that saith God is not holy speaks much worse than he that saith there is no God at all." (Excerpt taken from The Pursuit of Holiness)

The Value of Each Other

As much as the world around us tries to lure us into self-dependency, God created us for each other. For community. For a life that’s not alone.

The author of Proverbs said it like this:

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”
Proverbs‬ ‭17:17‬ ‭NIV

We’ll all face hard times—sometimes when we least expect it. But a friend’s genuine care can mean the world, a sibling’s unconditional love can’t be replaced, and a neighbor’s practical help is priceless.

We need each other more than we realize: emotionally, practically, and spiritually.

If you’ve found yourself in a busy season where you’ve unintentionally neglected your true friends or been too busy for your real family, now is the time to reprioritize.

If there’s unresolved conflict with a friend or family member, and it’s slowly deteriorating the relationship, now is the time to set aside your pride and choose to make things right.

If you’re silently struggling alone, now is the moment to let someone in. Give them a call, send them a text, or show up on their doorstep. If you can’t be honest and vulnerable, it will be difficult to get help.

Not only do you need people, but those same people need you.

You have strengths, gifts, talents, and a personality that’s unique to you and beneficial to them—and vice versa. Why bury them in the ground, in the name of autonomy, when they can benefit others?

Sometimes we need to ask for help, and sometimes we need to be the help. Do you need help, or can you offer it? Could you use a hand, or do you have some time, money, advice, or expertise?

If you’re tempted to self-isolate, don’t forget: we were meant to live life together.

Ask God Honestly

Everything begins with our relationship to God. Jesus made it possible for us to have a restored relationship with God. We can talk with God, spend time in His presence, and ask Him to help us because, as believers, we are called His sons and daughters.

Because of our relationship with God, He listens to us. Much like a child talking to their parents, God wants us to speak to Him. When we pray, we have the opportunity to tell God our needs, our concerns, and the desires of our heart.

Jesus tells us that if we seek a relationship with God, we will find it. God gives Himself freely to all who seek Him. God isn’t hiding in heaven, hoping we will someday find Him. He is readily available to talk with us.

This means we should be persistent in our relationship with Him. We have access to the Creator of the world. Everything comes from Him and has life because of Him. He has the ability to give us the things we need.

However, while we can ask for whatever we want, it doesn’t mean He will give us everything we ask for. Just like an earthly father won’t give his child something harmful, God also won’t give us something we do not need (Matthew 7:10-11).

We often don’t ask God for things because we may feel guilty for doing so. But God actually desires for us to go to Him—even with the smallest of requests.

Take some time today and tell God honestly how you feel. Ask Him for the things you truly need in life. Continue each day building a relationship with Him through Scripture reading and prayer.

Our Sure Foundation

Every time we turn on the news, we’re bombarded by tragedies happening in the world. Over the past few years, there has been so much world conflict, changes to our way of life, and disasters happening around the globe. This makes it easy to feel defeated and fearful of what is happening or could happen in our lifetime.

Natural disasters and global tragedies are not something unique to us. They’ve been happening ever since humankind turned away from God in the Garden of Eden. Scripture has a lot to say about these types of issues and also how God acts when tragedy strikes.

Isaiah 54:10 tells us that even though the earth shakes—God is immovable. In the midst of chaos, He is still in control. Nothing takes God by surprise, and nothing is greater than Him. A few chapters prior, in Isaiah 40, Isaiah says that God never grows weary as His power and might are everlasting.

Regardless of what is happening around us and whatever is happening within us, God’s love can never be taken from us.

In God, our past is forgiven, and our future is secured. There is nothing we can do to be taken out of the love of God. When we make mistakes, we can know that God’s feelings towards us do not change. He does not revoke His love from us; He continues to give it to us freely. He has compassion on us when we make mistakes.

That means we don’t have to live in fear. We can enter God’s presence confidently, knowing that there is nothing that can take His love from us. We can also live securely, knowing that whatever tragedies or world events occur, God’s power and might do not waver.

Scripture calls God our Rock that helps us withstand the greatest waves and earthquakes. Even when it feels like the earth is shaking and the hills are crumbling, God is at work calling us to rest upon a sure foundation—His unending love for us.

An Abundance of Blessing

Do you pray for God to bless you? We probably spend most of our time in prayer, asking for God to bless things in our life or asking God for something we need. And we should. Jesus even tells us we should.

We know that all good things come from God. That means that we don't truly own anything we possess. It's all a gift from God and ultimately should be used for Him. Our money, talents, and resources are opportunities to give back to God and others.

2 Corinthians 9:8 says that God is able to abundantly bless those who are generous in using their time and resources to do good things for others. This verse isn't saying that God will bless us unconditionally. The two verses before this one, in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, talk about how we should be cheerful givers in everything we do.

Paul is saying that God blesses us—not so we might have comfortable lives—but so that we would be selfless in giving back to God and others.

There are many ways we can give back to God and others. We can start by regularly tithing to our local church, which is an investment in the kingdom work God is doing through local believers. We can give generously to those who are in financial need. We can also be generous with our time, talents, resources, and anything else we can use to serve God and others.

Next time you pray for God to bless you, take some time first to think about how you are helping others. If giving feels more like an obligation and not like an opportunity, consider how you can take steps to change that perspective and give regularly. And then—watch how God honors your joyful generosity.

God's Glory Revealed

Before the telescope was invented, all that was known about the sky above was what could be seen with the naked eye.

Now, thanks to advances in modern technology, we are aware of far-off galaxies, stunning nebulas, and mysterious black holes. Now, we realize that our knowledge was (and still is) severely limited.

There’s something about staring up at a blanket of stars that beckons wonder. There’s something about a watercolor sunset that invites curiosity. There’s something about standing on top of a giant rock—that’s suspended on nothing in the middle of a massively complex universe—that invites worship.

We are merely discovering what God has put here in the first place. And the more we uncover, the more we are filled with awe.

Yes, the heavens remind us of God’s majesty; the skies remind us of His splendor. But they also remind us of how big He is and how small we are. They remind us of His vastness and our limitations, and of His independence and our utter dependence on Him.

So whenever you see a star-filled sky, are stopped in your tracks by a brilliant sunrise, or read about some extraordinary discovery on the fringes of space, don’t forget to praise the One who has created and sustained it all along.

Perseverance Brings a Harvest

Perseverance Brings a Harvest

Have you ever started something new and gave up after a few tries? Maybe you tried to create a new morning routine or Bible reading habit, only to give up after a few weeks? It can be hard to build enough discipline to start something new.

It is also hard to receive discipline from someone. Maybe you remember being disciplined as a kid by your parent. Or maybe you’ve been disciplined at work for a mistake you made.

In either case, discipline is hard and takes a lot of work.

Scripture says that for those who endure discipline and persevere, there is a harvest of righteousness and peace waiting for them. However, it doesn’t happen easily and often makes us uncomfortable. We have to be trained through discipline to create godly habits that will then produce righteousness and peace in our lives.

Take some time today to consider: Where can you allow the Holy Spirit to build discipline in your life? What daily habits should you begin working on today?

It’s always worth building discipline because the result is peace and righteous living.

Having Ears to Hear

The main method of passing down history, Scripture and traditions for the nation of Israel was oral transmission. God spoke in many ways and at many times by the prophets. God desires a people who hear His voice and live by every word that comes from His mouth. Having ears to hear was especially important in Jesus' time.

When He speaks, it is time to listen and understand. The Bible tells us that hearing is related to faith and faithfulness. Ears to hear is an idiomatic saying that calls for the listener to have an open heart and mind to what is about to be revealed.

In other words, saying, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear," is the same thing as saying, "Wake up and pay careful attention!" Only spiritual perception can understand spiritual revelation.

How many have missed a move of God because they could not perceive what God was doing? They recused themselves rather than opening their hearts and minds. They insulted, criticized and defended their position rather than change. It is time for us to be children of light who are shrewd and who have ears to hear. We cannot serve the culture and politics and still be able to take our place in the Kingdom. The shifts, sudden changes and even crises can both create unprecedented opportunities for Kingdom advancement and stimulate creative Kingdom strategies for finance, business, politics, family, education and ministry. We will encounter hostile situations that we will need to navigate in order to seize the opportunities they afford.

The Body of Christ must awaken to the opportunities that present themselves in the midst of crisis. We must see and hear with new understanding, and we must allow adversity to stimulate creative strategies for advancing the Kingdom. Let's allow the Spirit to influence our expectations and narratives so that our worldviews and mind-sets align with the Kingdom of God for our generation.

What Does It Means to Take Up Our Cross?

What Does It Mean to Take Up Our Cross?

For Jesus, the cross was a literal object upon which He suffered and died. It was a physical weight that also symbolizes the spiritual heaviness…

…but the cross also represents the suffering and surrender we all choose to endure for the sake of knowing and obeying Christ.

Taking up your cross means giving up our right to live how we want. It means letting Jesus dictate the trajectory of our lives.

Jesus made a way for us to know Him, but we have to choose whether or not we will follow Him.

“And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.’”

What might God be asking you to surrender or sacrifice?

- He’s asking me to surrender my desire to live a comfortable life.

- He’s asking me to give Him my dreams and goals for the future.

- He’s asking me to surrender my life to Jesus Christ.

Prayer - 

“Jesus, I don’t want to lose what matters most by focusing on momentary things. So please help me. What I am tired, please strengthen me. When living a comfortable life seems more appealing  than following You unconditionally - please convict and correct me. Give me the strength to trust in You. I know that You are worth living and dying for, but please help me to live like it. Amen”

“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life FOR ME and for the gospel will save it.” (Mark 8:35)

Our Most Important Work

Scripture is abundantly clear that Christians should be known for our love. Over and over again, God’s Word tells us that love should be our most important quality.

You may be familiar with Jesus’ words in Matthew 22:36-40 where He says the greatest command is to love God with everything we are. But just as important is that we love others.

Jesus even says in John 13:35 that everyone will recognize us as His disciples by the way that we love others. We won’t be recognized by our knowledge of the Bible, our families, the career paths we take, or the amount of time spent at church. While those are all important things, Jesus says that the most important quality is how we love other people.

1 Peter 4:8 tells us the same thing: we should be among the most loving people on earth, and our goal should be to love each other deeply. Peter, the author of this verse, also says love is the key to forgiving others. Just as we have been forgiven by Jesus, our love for other people should encourage us to forgive those who have wronged us.

Forgiving those who have mistreated us is one of the hardest things to do—it requires that we love deeply. That’s why forgiveness is evidence of a life marked by God’s love.

So if your closest friends were asked about your top qualities, what would they say? Would your top quality be how loving you are towards others? If not, know that you’re not alone. None of us are perfect, and we can all do better at this.

So what steps can you take to love others better? Are there people who have wronged you that you need to forgive? Are there people you have wronged that you need to reconcile with? Make a list of ways that you can show love to other people. Take some time today to ask God to help you become more loving.

The Purpose of Gratitude

Psalm 91:1-2; Psalm 34:8; Luke 7:36-50

We sing “hallelujah” because He is worthy. Period. What else do we have that’s fit for a King, aside from songs of gratitude being sung from deep within our lungs? When we remind ourselves of all that He’s done and when we actively choose thanksgiving, our hearts are softened to His Spirit. Personally, “thank you” is my favorite prayer. It’s probably what I should pray the most, because when I look at my life, I have so much to be grateful for. 

The Bible shows us countless accounts of people who lived with praise in their lips. David is prime example of someone who generously lavished the Lord with thanksgiving, which can be found as a common theme throughout his prayers. Some of his words are found in Psalm 9:1-2: “I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praises of your name, O Most High.” While David did experience great blessings in his lifetime, he was also deeply acquainted with sorrow. He had been hunted by Saul and delayed in his kingship for fifteen years. He made mistakes which brought calamity on his head. And yet, he could still “taste and see that the LORD is good” (Psalm 34:8). 

Another example is Mary, who quite literally poured out her praise with perfume on Jesus’ feet (Luke 7:36-50). Jesus did not ask her to do this, and in fact, the Pharisees who were present rebuked her for it. The cost of that perfume is estimated to have been more than a year’s wages, and yet, she poured it out because He is King, and He is worthy. What an inspiring gift. Whether it’s a grand gesture like this or simply a shout of praise, God is taken aback by our act of thanks.  


1.        How could you lavish your praise on the Lord this week?  Get creative and come up with your own way of saying “hallelujah” to our King.

2.         Whether you’re going through a storm or things are smooth sailing, thank God for the ways He has blessed you in the present and in the past. Reflect on the faithfulness He’s extended through every season.

Loving Our Ministers Well

Loving Our Ministers Well

Leaders are a necessary part of our world. We need people who carry the burden of leadership to help move culture forward, or be a representative for those who have none.

The Church also has leaders, often called pastors. They are leaders tasked with caring for, teaching, and leading the people of God. Pastors have dedicated their life to serve God by serving others.

Pastors and shepherds in the Church do not lead the same way as leaders in the world. Pastors are supposed to lead like Jesus did, through humility, gentleness, and service. Their primary task is to lead people toward Jesus.

Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 that we should make it a priority to encourage and thank our pastors and spiritual leaders. We should go out of our way to encourage and honor them.

This doesn’t mean that we put our pastor on a pedestal above everyone else. Pastors are people, too. But, as pastors seek to serve God by serving the Church, we should do everything we can to honor them as Paul says. In a time where pastors carry a lot of emotional burden, while also bearing a lot of societal pressure, we as the Church should do what we can to love our spiritual leaders well.

Take time to think about your own pastors, shepherds, or spiritual leaders. Think about the impact they’ve had on your own life and journey with Jesus.

An Example Worth Following

An Example Worth Following

Jesus stood there in silence as 600 men stripped him, spit on him, beat him, and mocked him. He stood there as they twisted thorns into a crown and shoved it onto His head. He watched as they gambled for His clothes. He was rejected, accused, beaten, stripped, and crucified—and He endured all of this willingly, because of love.

Imagine having unlimited power and authority, and giving it all up. Imagine voluntarily sacrificing your life so that others could also experience God’s deep, unconditional love. This is what Jesus modeled for us.

“Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges… When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.”
Philippians 2:6-8 NLT

Jesus knew Whose He was, and what He was called to do. He knew that selfless service mattered more than selfishness. He knew that humility was greater than pride. And He knew that obeying God would lead to our freedom and His glory.

Jesus modeled humility by laying down His life so that we could know the love of God personally. And if we say that we follow Jesus, then we need to have the same attitude and outlook on life that Jesus did. But we can only do this by staying united in Jesus as we follow His example together.

So, how do we stay united? We show love to each other. And how do we show love to each other? By thinking about other people first, and choosing not to hold onto bitterness. True love requires a willingness to let go of pride, and to serve without expecting anything in return.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:12-13 ESV

So who can you show love to today? Spend a few moments allowing God to reveal how you can practically embrace humility, stay united in love, and serve others selflessly today.

Have You Ever Thought?

Have you ever thought…

“I’m not good enough.”
“I’m not smart enough.”
“I’m not strong enough.”
“I’m not enough.”

Every day, we are bombarded with lies that try to convince us that we don’t have what it takes to follow Jesus. Every time we mess up, our insecurities reach out and tell us that we’ll always be weak—we’ll never experience the freedom Jesus says we can have. But Scripture reminds us that it’s Jesus’ divine power that gives us everything we need to live a godly life. With His strength, when we fall down—we can still get back up.

It’s in our weakness that God’s power is made perfect in us (2 Corinthians 12:9). By the power of Christ, nothing can keep its grip on us. Not fear, worry, doubt, defeat, discouragement, loneliness, hardship, or pain.

Through Jesus, we have everything we need to combat anything that attempts to seize our rightful identity.

God’s Word is filled with reminders of our true identity. It can remind you that…

You can rejoice in suffering because Christ suffered for you. (1 Peter 4:12-19, James 1:2-4)

You are greatly loved, and you can love others. (John 15:9-14)

Nothing can separate you from God’s love. (Romans 8:37-39)

When you understand who you are, that is when you will truly be able to do all things through Christ’s strength.

So let’s start applying the life-giving truth we find in the Bible so that we move from victimhood to victory.

Embrace who you are in Christ.

Sharing the Good News

The first words of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark are an announcement of the arrival of God's Kingdom. And Jesus' last words to His disciples, starting in Mark 16:15, build upon His first announcement.

The call Jesus left us with was to continue telling others the Gospel's good news.

This good news is that Jesus has brought the arrival of the Kingdom of God to earth and that through His death and resurrection, He has made a way for all people to have a new life in Him.

This task of evangelism—telling others about Jesus, was the first thing that Jesus asked His followers to do as He left earth. Telling others about what Jesus has done for them is one of the most important things we can do with our time. We have been given the greatest gift of all—eternal life with God. But that gift is also freely available to the rest of the world.

So take some time today to pray for those in your life who do not know the hope that Jesus gives. Pray for their salvation, but also pray for opportunities to share your own faith story with them.

New Mercies

Even though God’s people had rebelled, even though the strength of Israel was gone and they were facing the consequences of their idolatry, even though their unfaithfulness was making their lives fall apart…

God still poured out His steadfast love. God still showed off His endless mercy. God still lavished His people with His constant faithfulness.

That is why they were not consumed. And that is why we still have hope.

If you’ve run from God, ignored His good design, disregarded His warnings, purposely rebelled against Him, or simply chose to forget His existence altogether, it’s not too late to turn back.

God doesn’t ignore those who come to Him. He doesn’t dismiss those with a humble and repentant heart.

He is patiently and faithfully waiting for those who will return to Him.

Hold On To What is True

Reading Scripture is vital to our intimacy with God. God’s Word is our weapon. It’s alive, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword. And when we hide Scripture in our heart, it helps us battle with the forces of evil. We have an enemy, and the last thing he wants us to do is trust God and His Word.

Our spiritual enemy wants to keep us in a place of doubt and insecurity. But when we know who we are, we can confidently demolish every lie that distracts us. Like Jesus did when He fasted in the wilderness for 40 days, we can use Scripture to tell ourselves the truth and fight back against the devil’s schemes.

Below are some common lies we’ve all believed, and the truth we need to remember to overcome them:

Lie We Believe — I’m a failure, and I can’t do anything right.
God’s Truth — I may struggle, but I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).

Lie We Believe — If God cared, why would He let these hardships happen to me?
God’s Truth — I know that God causes everything to work together for His glory and my good (Romans 8:28). God’s grace is sufficient for me, and His power is perfected through my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Lie We Believe — I’ll always be this way.
God’s Truth — I can change because I belong to Christ. The old me has gone and the new me is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Think through the lies you’ve believed. It’s easier to entertain lies when we allow them to become a part of us. But once you recognize the lies you’ve internalized, you’re halfway to victory. God gave us His Word so that we could know the truth … and it’s His truth that sets us free.

Let’s start living more like the conquerors we are, and apply the life-giving, hope-delivering, and devil-kicking power provided to us through God’s Word.

Becoming Fast and Slow

When we’re in difficult situations, it isn’t always easy to stay calm or hold our tongue for very long.

But in James 1:9, we hear how we should respond…

Be quick to listen.
Be slow to speak.
Be slow to anger.

The world is the opposite:

Be slow to hear what others have to say.
Be quick to voice your own opinions.
Be quick to accuse, argue, and fight.

Why is it so important to James that Christ's followers don’t behave like this? Because “human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” (James 1:20)

So what does produce the right kind of living that God desires?

The Word of God.

James told his friends to “get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” (James 1:21)

He said that if they have the Word of God in them, and if they are obeying it, they will be blessed. (James 1:25)

James is clear that if we are to be followers of God, we must know God’s word and obey it. That means we need to take time to listen to others, pace ourselves when we speak, and keep our anger at bay.

So next time you’re faced with something that makes you angry, take James’ words to heart. Take time to temper your emotions, think through your feelings and arguments, and humbly pray for God to help you respond with kindness and grace.

Jesus Upholds the Law

Jesus was considered a great teacher of the Torah (the first five books in our Old Testament). His ability to teach those books amazed even the most educated priests and Pharisees.

In Matthew 22, his apostle writes about when He was in Jerusalem talking with the spiritual leaders of His day and handling the hard questions they asked. Jesus had just settled a question asked of Him by the Sadducees (a spiritual sect), and was now facing the Pharisees who wanted to test and trap Him.

One of the Pharisees asked Him, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”

Jesus answered them by saying:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:37-39 ESV

If anyone could sum up the law of God it was Jesus. He made it clear that those who believe in God will first love Him with their whole selves, and second, love those they come in contact with as themselves. This was what the law depended upon.

The only way we will love other people well is if we first devote ourselves to loving God and allow ourselves to be loved by Him. Growing in love for God involves intentionally spending time in His Word, having honest conversations with Him, and reflecting on His character every day, throughout the day. Showing love for God looks like doing what He commands—and that includes loving the people around us the way that God loves us.

So in what ways do you already love God with your heart, soul, and mind? And what steps can you take to love those around you today?

Keep Practicing

When someone is training for a job—any job—they must eventually make the shift from studying to practicing.

The apostle Paul knew how important such a transition was, which is why—even while confined to a Roman prison—he recorded the following words for the believers in Philippi, Greece:

“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬

Paul had taught them. Paul had trained them. Paul had loved them. And that’s why, from the isolation of a jail cell, Paul empowered them to live out what they’d learned.

Jesus, too, was passionate about His followers not just trying to look good or to sound good, but to do good—with a heart that genuinely wanted to glorify God. James, the half brother of Jesus, also wrote about not just listening to the Word, but doing what it says.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.
James 1:22-24 ESV

It’s one thing to know about something, but it’s an entirely different thing to put that knowledge into practice.

The peace of God is a gift that He gives us. It’s something we experience as we draw near to Him by living in a way that honors Him. If we know His will but don’t do anything about it—that shows that we don’t really want to honor God. But if we do His will, then our actions illustrate that our identity is rooted in Christ. And our closeness to Christ allows us to experience His peace.

Doing the will of God—not just learning about the will of God—unleashes the peace of God.

So today, study what Paul taught and modeled (which is ultimately what Jesus taught and modeled). And then, ask yourself: “What is God teaching me about Himself, myself, and other people? How can I apply His teachings to my life?”