How to be An End-Times Believer (1 Peter 4:7-11)

How to Be An End-Times Believer (1 Peter 4:7-11)

 Debbie and I had the opportunity to travel out of the country and experienced “culture shock.”  It was interesting.  We were in Mexico and found ourselves in a place where no one spoke English.  We had to be creative in sharing what we were looking for and they had to be creative in answering us.  We eventually got directions for our destination but struggled to get them.  The Bible says that we are strangers and aliens here.  Our home is in heaven.  As a matter of fact, we should be looking for Christ to come and establish the kingdom.  Our problem is that sometimes we become so comfortable with where we are, we don’t consider where we are going and we don’t impact the world around us.  Today’s passage speaks about being an “End-Times” believer.  Peter ran into that same issue with the believers of his day.