Jesus said in John 10:10 that He had come to give us abundant life. That sounds great but how do we really live a life that is abundant. In today’s message, the Lord talks about abundant life coming through “Abiding in Christ”. What does it mean to abide in Christ and how do we do that? The secret to living a life that is fruitful and pleasing to the Lord comes by abiding in Christ.
Overcoming Fear (John 14:25-31)
Fear and anxiety are an everyday part of life. The Lord’s comments on this passage echo what he said in the previous passage. Let not your heart be trouble. We struggle because we don’t know what to do. And when we struggle, we begin to fear and have anxiety. We want to trust the Lord but we still struggle with fear. The Lord gives us some insight and on we can overcome fear in today’s passage.
How Do I Deal with the Anxiety Around Me and Within Me? (John 14:1-24)
We leave in a world that is rapidly changing around us. When the normal becomes a blur and the abnormal slips in, we have a tendency to move into a state of anxiety. God equipped us to not be anxious. Matter of fact He say, “Be anxious for nothing.” How do we do with that. Everything around us is changing. The Lord gave great counsel to the disciples the night before He was crucified because he knew how it was going to affect them. The same application applies to us today.
You Cannot Go With Jesus and Stay Where You Are (John 13:31-38) - Oct 25, 2020 - Pastor Mark Martin
If you grew up in a Christian household, you probably sang the song, “They Will Know We Are Christians by Our love”. There is more reality to that than we think. If you are really part of God’s forever family and Christ is growing within you, love will continually develop within you and people will see and experience it. This was the message that the Lord shared with the disciples just before He was crucified. How is your “love” toward others? This is a message that will stretch you.
How Well Does Your "Acceptance Attitude" Measure Up? - John 13:18-30
You cannot go very far through life without rubbing others the wrong way or having them do the same to you. After that has happened, how do you handle being around them or what do you do when they appear in your life unexpectedly? Jesus serves as the perfect role model for us as He demonstrated the ability to get along with those who have hurt you through the way that He responded to Judas. Judas had sold the Lord out to the authorities and Jesus knew it and it had no affect upon the way He related to Him.
"Humility Up Close and Personal" - John 13:1-17 - Pastor Mark Martin
One of the hardest traits to develop in the Christian life is humility. It is the act of putting others above yourself for their benefit even when it costs you. Human nature doesn't want to cooperate. From the cradle to the grave we seek our own needs first. Jesus served as the perfect example when He washed the disciples' feet. This message comes from John 13:1-17.
Where is Your Focus? - John 12 - Pastor Mark Martin
BFC Olney Sermons - October 4, 2020 - Pastor Mark Martin - "What's Your Focus On?" - John 12
John 12 moves us into the final week of the Lord's life before the Crucifixion. If you knew that you were going to die in a week, what would you do? The Lord stays focused on fulfilling the Father's plan and providing salvation for the world. What is your focus on today?
"The Lord is Always in Control" - John 11 - Pastor Mark Martin
John 11 is one of the most unique passages regarding the Lord's ministry. It is the account of the resurrection of Lazarus. The Lord purposefully waited long enough to go to Bethany that there would be no doubt that Lazarus had died and been buried. The Lord then raises Lazarus from the grave showing that He is God and has power over death. The Lord is always in control of all of our circumstances.
"What Door Would You Choose?" - John 10 - Pastor Mark Martin
There are voices and choices that are screaming for our attention everyday. The voices and choices that we listen to determine the type of relationship that we have to the Lord. Jesus makes it very clear that He is the True Shepherd. If we don't recognize His voice, we may not be a part of the true flock. The message comes from John 10.
"I Once Was Blind!" - John 9 - Pastor Mark Martin
If you were born blind, you would have a very limited perspective on the things around you. In John 9, Jesus heals a man who was born blind and, instead of rejoicing, the religious authorities are angry because it took place on the Sabbath. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. He can heal the blindnesses that we have if we will come to Him.
Why Do People Reject the Gospel? - John 8:12-59 - Pastor Mark Martin
Interestingly enough, every time the Gospel is shared, there is always a response or reaction to the Gospel whether it is positive or negative. The Lord reveals this to us in John 8 as he confronts the Pharisees with His statement: "I am the Light of the world."
"How Would You Answer?" (John 7:53-8:11)
There will be times when we are placed in a position to respond to someone who is living outside the will of God or caught up in sin. How we respond to them often determines how they respond to our time with them. The Lord always serves as a great role model in every situation that we face.
You can find the sermon here or by searching Youtube for BFC Olney Sermons.
Sometimes You Can't Avoid the Confrontation - John 7:1-52 - Pastor Mark Martin
There are times in our lives as believers that we will be placed into situations where confrontation is inevitable. That was the experience of Jesus and, if He could handle it, so can we. The Lord's example guides us regardless of where or whom the confrontation takes place. We find the basis for this in John 7.
What Bread Are You Hungry For? (John 6:22-71)
If you are a part of God's family in some way, I want to ask you a question... Why? What caused you to come alongside Jesus? Was it something you needed? Was it something you wanted? Were you lonely? The crowds followed Jesus because of what they were getting, food, healing, excitement and the list goes on and on. But the real reason a person follows Jesus is because they need a change down deep in their soul. They need salvation and forgiveness for their sin. Today's message challenges us as to why we are hanging with Jesus.
The Lord of Impossibilities - John 6:1-21
Have you ever used the word “impossible”? We probably use it all the time. That’s impossible, we couldn’t possibly do that. Today’s message helps us discover that the word “impossible” wasn’t a part of the Lord’s vocabulary.
Witnesses for the Defense - John 5:31-47 - Pastor Mark Martin
If you were on trial, you would want to assemble a team of witnesses that would support your position. In John 5:31-47, the Lord assembles a fantastic set of witnesses that supports the fact that He is God.
The Claims of Christ - John 5:17-30
Jesus made some amazing claims. He is either Whom He said He was or He was crazy. To be fair in considering Jesus, you have to consider His words.
Legalism - The Enemy of Grace - John 5:1-18
What is your view of God and your relationship to Him. If it is based on rules and regulations, then this message is for you. The message comes from John 5:1-18 which details the healing of the paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda in John 5:1-18.
When Our Belief is Challenged, Where Will We Stand? (John 4:46-54)
What do we 0ut our trust and hope in? What we believe should change the way that we live. The “nobleman” approaches Jesus in John 4:46-54 because he has an immediate need. Before he is done with the encounter, his life changes for all time.
What Does it Take to Ignite a Spiritual Need? - John 4:1-42
We are all giving the opportunity and responsibility to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is responsibility to look for those opportunities and then direct them to spiritual discussions. The Lord Jesus Christ serves as the perfect example for us.