Dressed by the Spirit...

Dressed by the Spirit

One of the first tasks we teach children is to dress themselves. Learning how to fasten buttons and tie shoes is a life skill they'll need daily. We teach children how to put on their clothes and what items are appropriate to wear. Will it be hot or cold? Will they be going somewhere formal or jumping in rain puddles?

The Holy Spirit teaches us, as children of God, how to dress ourselves. If we are to face spiritual enemies and battles, we will need the armor of God. And just as we needed training on how to tie the laces on our physical shoes, we need to learn about spiritual shoes and belts, too.

It is the truth of Jesus that 'holds everything together,' as a belt does. He is the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father except by Jesus … and everyone who comes to Jesus finds the Father (John 14:6-7). There are no shortcuts.

A breastplate protects the wearer’s vulnerable organs. Paul likens the righteousness (or right standing) that comes from having Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross to a breastplate. If Satan tries to land a fatal blow by accusing us of sin, Jesus’ righteousness protects us from condemnation every time (1 Peter 3:18).

Lastly, just as the right shoes can help us to run further and faster without getting injured, the right spiritual shoes will help us go the distance as we prepare to speak of the good news—or gospel—of peace between sinful people and a holy God. This gospel of peace bridges gaps between people who were formerly enemies: that’s good news we can always be ready to share.