If You Can Only Bring One Weapon...

f You Can Only Bring One Weapon…

Before Jesus left His disciples, He spoke words that were both realistic and encouraging:

“In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NIV

Even though Jesus has won the ultimate victory, He knew there would be a time between His resurrection and return when His people would still be vulnerable to attack. But Jesus spoke with confidence to encourage His followers: He is both willing and able to overcome anything and everything the world might throw at us.

We can withstand any spiritual attack because of who we stand with: Jesus. It is the armor of God: Jesus’ truth, Jesus’ righteousness, Jesus’ peace, and Jesus’ salvation which we wear. He has given us all the protective gear we need… with one notable offensive weapon: the sword of the Spirit.

The Bible is no mere book. It is God’s Spirit-filled, powerful, living, and active tool for change, both in our own hearts (Hebrews 4:12) and in any spiritual battles we may face. We can join in on the offensive against the enemy using this spiritual weapon, God’s Word.

The time you are spending in God’s Word right now is powerful. It is sharpening you and preparing you for whatever happens today so that after all is said and done, you will stand.

Don’t be surprised when you face trouble. Just remember that Jesus prepared you for this day and has given you all you need to face it.