Here’s what mercy really looks like…
What would you do if you ran into someone who offended, upset, or greatly wronged you?
The Pharisees in Jesus’ time taught that it was excessive to forgive someone more than three times. But Jesus’ teachings set a standard for extravagant forgiveness. He emphasized that we should forgive others generously and continuously.
The outward expression of forgiveness can look different for everyone, but true forgiveness should offer mercy and compassion to those who hurt us.
Forgiveness isn’t easy. Showing compassion to someone who hurt us goes against our natural desire. At times, it can even feel overwhelming, unfair, and impossible. But showing someone undeserved forgiveness and compassion is what mercy is … and it’s what Jesus does for us.
God so loved the world that—despite our constant mistakes and continual rejection of His presence—He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us. Although we didn’t deserve His forgiveness or love, He offered it to us anyways. And now, anyone who believes in Jesus can receive unlimited mercy and unmerited grace.
It’s because God freely offers us mercy that He asks us to show mercy also.
The world will tell you to hold onto your hurt and allow it to shape you. But Jesus wants to release you from the pain of your past by changing your heart’s posture toward others. This isn’t easy—it is often an act of continual, painful surrender. But Jesus doesn’t expect us to go through the process of forgiveness alone. He offers to help us if we are willing to trust Him and honor His teachings.
Jesus isn’t asking us to do anything that He hasn’t already done for us. And when we offer mercy to someone who has wounded us, we illustrate how God’s forgiveness has impacted us.
So is there anyone you can offer mercy and forgiveness to today? Spend some time with God, ask Him to search your heart, and give Him any hurt you’ve been carrying.
New Mercies...
New Mercies
Your eyes opened this morning. The sun has risen again. Your heart is still beating. Your lungs are inhaling fresh oxygen. You are here, you are alive, and your life has intrinsic value.
It’s true.
But this fractured world tries to beat us down, which can feel all-consuming: our relationships are far from perfect, our desires are bent toward selfishness, and sometimes the everyday grind can feel like too much.
The author of Lamentations, traditionally identified as Jeremiah (though His name isn’t stated explicitly), is known as the “weeping prophet”—constantly undone because of the heartbreaking sin of his people and their open disregard for their Creator. The book is full of grief and distress and lament. But, still, he confidently writes:
“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV
Even though God’s people had rebelled, even though the strength of Israel was gone and they were facing the consequences of their idolatry, even though their unfaithfulness was making their lives fall apart…
God still poured out His steadfast love. God still showed off His endless mercy. God still lavished His people with His constant faithfulness.
That is why they were not consumed. And that is why we still have hope.
If you’ve run from God, ignored His good design, disregarded His warnings, purposely rebelled against Him, or simply chose to forget His existence all together, it’s not too late to turn back.
God doesn’t ignore those who come to Him. He doesn’t dismiss those with a humble and repentant heart. He is patiently and faithfully waiting for those who will return to Him.
Someone Greater...
Someone Greater
There’s a battle happening all around us—a battle for your heart, your mind, and your soul. A battle that’s not only physical, but also spiritual. A battle with literal enemies who impact the seen and unseen world.
John wrote:
“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”
1 John 4:4 NLT
Yes, we are in a real battle.
Yes, we have a real enemy.
Yes, the kingdom of darkness is constantly fighting against the kingdom of light.
But for those who are trusting in the finished work of Christ, greater is the One living inside of us than the one who is living in this world.
We have a real Savior.
This story isn’t close to over.
The kingdom of darkness will never prevail against the kingdom of light.
Our enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. To pervert, manipulate, and confuse, distract, divide, and disable.
But God is greater than the doubts that clutter your mind, the enemies that frustrate your plans, the heart-wrenching and even soul-crushing situation that’s currently consuming your thoughts.
You can fight from a place of victory because the battle has already been won.
Jesus has already conquered death. And now, while we wait for others to come to salvation and for God to bring all things to completion under Christ’s authority, we can fight with a confident hope.
There’s a battle happening all around us—a battle for your heart, for your mind, for your soul. But greater is the One living inside of you than the one who is living in this world.
Set Apart for His Glory...
Set Apart for His Glory
In a world brimming with noise, demands, and competing voices, God calls His people to a different rhythm:
"You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own."
Leviticus 20:26 NIV
In the Old Testament, the word “consecrated” means that a person, object, or place has been set apart for a sacred and holy purpose. They are dedicated to God. The process of consecration involves purification, sanctification, and often anointing with oil, which is a symbol of this dedication.
But God's call to holiness, to live a life set apart, is not about seclusion or superiority. It's an invitation to a life connected to God's character and will. It's about being marked by God’s purity for the purpose of showing others God’s glory and power.
So, what does walking in holiness look like daily? It's more than just following rules or rituals. It’s a heart posture—a willingness to live in a way that reflects God's nature. It means we allow God’s Spirit to align our thoughts, actions, and desires with His Word.
Consider this today: How can you cultivate a heart posture that reflects God's holiness in your relationships and interactions?
God, in His holiness, doesn't just beckon us to be separate. He calls us to be set apart unto Him—the One who created us, redeemed us, and calls us by name.
Choosing Him...
Choosing Him
Making decisions is hard.
When we attempt to make the perfect decision, we can often find ourselves stuck in indecision. And while we should always prayerfully discern our next steps according to God’s Word and His ways, sometimes we overcomplicate things.
In his first letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul was addressing an issue about food, regarding what they should or shouldn’t eat. So Paul took some of the pressure off Christians by saying:
“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31 NLT
While this passage was originally about food, the principle can be applied to any area of life. Whatever choice you make, do it to glorify God. In this way, you will keep your conscience clear.
Whether you’re preparing a meal or making a business deal. Whether you’re playing sports or building houses. Whether you’re leading a team or raising kids. Whether you’re crunching numbers or caring for the vulnerable.
No matter what you do—the core desire should be to love God and love others, and every decision should exemplify that love. So today, ask yourself: Does this decision honor God? Is this choice full of integrity? Can others see His character shining through my life? Will my decisions draw people closer to God, or pull them away from Him?
No matter what situation we’re in, God has given us His Word, His Spirit, and His people to help us discern our next right thing. So when making decisions, let’s seek to honor God to the best of our ability, and then trust Him with our choices.
Sharing the Love of God, Our Father...
Sharing the Love of God, Our Father
The prophet Malachi wrote to forewarn the people of God what would take place in the future. He told them of a time when God would send a messenger like Elijah, who would turn the people’s hearts back towards God.
The messenger Malachi referred to was John the Baptist. And John’s role was to point the people back to God in preparation for the coming of Jesus (Matthew 3:1-12). John preached a message of repentance, and baptized people in the Jordan river as a sign of turning back to God.
For those who trust in God and believed in Jesus as the coming Messiah, they experienced restoration and salvation. And this is part of Malachi’s message: those who trust in God will be saved from the coming judgment.
One of the signs of this restoration is the uniting of families. The family unit is central to God’s mission, as the relationships within the family represent God’s relationships with His church.
God desires the hearts of fathers to be restored to their children, and the children to their fathers.
While we know that no family is perfect—in fact, many families are broken—we all look forward to the day when God will completely restore our broken world to harmony and love again. Until then we strive to do our best to live in harmony and love with one another.
If you’re a father, consider how you can express God’s love through your relationships to your children. And as children, may we use the time we have left to love our parents as well. For all of us, may we consider how we can love those around us in a way that honors God and communicates His love.
Made to Thrive...
Made to Thrive
Do you remember what God has saved you from and what He’s brought you through? How He’s given you a fresh start, a confident hope, and future beyond the here and now?
Because of God’s amazing grace, we have been empowered to live boldly for Him.
In Paul’s letter to his friend, coworker, and traveling companion, Titus, he says this:
“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age…”
Titus 2:11-12 ESV
God created a world where life could thrive, where His creations could be fruitful, where His people could reign on His behalf, and where His glory could be obvious to everyone.
But when His people chose to ignore His loving intentions and when they rebelled against His masterfully designed plan, it complicated things.
It’s only by the grace of God that salvation is even possible. And it’s only from that firm foundation that we can build our lives on Him.
God created you and knows how you tick. He loves you and knows how life was designed to work best. After all, He is the designer. That’s why He gave His people guidelines, instructions, and even warnings—to show them how to thrive.
Once your salvation is secure and you realize that you can’t do anything to earn God’s love, you then can accept His invitation to live, to thrive, and to be a part of the greatest story on earth.
You were made for it.
The Ruler of Everything...
The Ruler of Everything
If you were to look at a map of the world, you would see many different countries divided by territory lines. Each of those countries has a ruler who is responsible for what happens in those borders. Ever since the beginning of creation, humans have had ownership as rulers over portions of land.
It can be easy to look at the world and think those rulers alone have ultimate control over what happens within their land. As we look at Scripture though, we see that even though humans rule over various countries—it is God who truly rules over everything.
While many leaders have power over their land and people, God’s Word tells us that only God has true power. He is the One who created everything that exists, so He is the only one who is truly great and powerful.
Everything on earth and in heaven ultimately belongs to God, and regardless of what happens in the world, God is still the ruler over everything. No matter what earthly rulers decide, God is ultimately in control of everything. This is why God is deserving of all praise and glory for His greatness and power.
So take some time today to think about the greatness of God who made everything that exists, and yet still desires a relationship with His people. God is not some lofty ruler who makes decisions in a far off place, but He is present in the lives of those who call Him Lord.
Cultivating Honest Conversations about God...
Cultivating Honest Conversations with God
Prayer is one of the most important habits we can develop. Not only does Scripture command us to pray often, but there are tremendous benefits to building a life of prayer.
Prayer connects us relationally to God. We can thank God for who He is and what He has done for us during our prayer time. We can ask Him for things that we need.
Even though we know we should pray, we often do not take the time to do it. Unless we set aside time to talk to God, it doesn’t always find a way into our daily schedules. But Paul, the writer of the letter to the Ephesians, urges Christians to build a life of prayer. He says that every occasion is a chance to talk to God.
All of our requests and needs should be given to God. However, our time praying should not only be asking God for things. We should also spend part of our time in worship—thanking God for who He is and all He has done.
Paul also encourages us to pray for other people. In fact, part of our responsibility towards others is to advocate for them through prayer. We typically remember to pray for others when something negative is happening to them. But God’s Word says we should always be praying for the people in our life.
As we pray, we should not be discouraged when we don’t see immediate change. God is always working in our lives, even if it doesn’t match our desired timeline. We may not receive the answers we want, but we can rest assured that God is always listening and working on our behalf.
Take some time today to pray to God. Thank Him for all He has done for you. Tell Him your needs. Think of a few people in your life that you can pray for. Throughout your week, use every opportunity to pray to God.
If You Can Only Bring One Weapon...
f You Can Only Bring One Weapon…
Before Jesus left His disciples, He spoke words that were both realistic and encouraging:
“In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NIV
Even though Jesus has won the ultimate victory, He knew there would be a time between His resurrection and return when His people would still be vulnerable to attack. But Jesus spoke with confidence to encourage His followers: He is both willing and able to overcome anything and everything the world might throw at us.
We can withstand any spiritual attack because of who we stand with: Jesus. It is the armor of God: Jesus’ truth, Jesus’ righteousness, Jesus’ peace, and Jesus’ salvation which we wear. He has given us all the protective gear we need… with one notable offensive weapon: the sword of the Spirit.
The Bible is no mere book. It is God’s Spirit-filled, powerful, living, and active tool for change, both in our own hearts (Hebrews 4:12) and in any spiritual battles we may face. We can join in on the offensive against the enemy using this spiritual weapon, God’s Word.
The time you are spending in God’s Word right now is powerful. It is sharpening you and preparing you for whatever happens today so that after all is said and done, you will stand.
Don’t be surprised when you face trouble. Just remember that Jesus prepared you for this day and has given you all you need to face it.
Dressed by the Spirit...
Dressed by the Spirit
One of the first tasks we teach children is to dress themselves. Learning how to fasten buttons and tie shoes is a life skill they'll need daily. We teach children how to put on their clothes and what items are appropriate to wear. Will it be hot or cold? Will they be going somewhere formal or jumping in rain puddles?
The Holy Spirit teaches us, as children of God, how to dress ourselves. If we are to face spiritual enemies and battles, we will need the armor of God. And just as we needed training on how to tie the laces on our physical shoes, we need to learn about spiritual shoes and belts, too.
It is the truth of Jesus that 'holds everything together,' as a belt does. He is the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father except by Jesus … and everyone who comes to Jesus finds the Father (John 14:6-7). There are no shortcuts.
A breastplate protects the wearer’s vulnerable organs. Paul likens the righteousness (or right standing) that comes from having Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross to a breastplate. If Satan tries to land a fatal blow by accusing us of sin, Jesus’ righteousness protects us from condemnation every time (1 Peter 3:18).
Lastly, just as the right shoes can help us to run further and faster without getting injured, the right spiritual shoes will help us go the distance as we prepare to speak of the good news—or gospel—of peace between sinful people and a holy God. This gospel of peace bridges gaps between people who were formerly enemies: that’s good news we can always be ready to share.
Armor for Everyone, Everything, and Everywhere...
Armor for Everyone, Everything, and Everywhere
In the first century, Roman armor would have been made of metal and treated leather. Today, we might imagine a soldier or police officer's bulky tactical gear with bulletproof vests and helmets. Not many of us wear this kind of head-to-toe protective gear before heading out in the morning.
But the Bible urges us to consider spiritual armor essential. Why?
Because unseen spiritual adversaries exist, and we're vulnerable to their attacks. Here are two vital things to notice about our "armor."
First, God is the one who gives us armor. It's the armor of God. We can't possibly protect ourselves from spiritual attacks. But God supplies all we need.
Second, we don't put on our armor or fight alone. The mental image of the lone soldier standing in an arena against an enemy is not what Paul has in mind. The instructions to put on spiritual armor aren't given to you, the individual—they're given to all of us, together, who make up the church.
We all suit up together in God's armor, and we stand, pray, praise, and defend… together.
God graciously gives us armor so that when we experience a spiritual attack, we will stand and fight by His strength. Today, imagine standing strong in God's protective armor. How might this imagery influence how you endure and remain resilient in the face of spiritual battles and uncertainties?
Your Battle is Won!...
Your Battle is Won
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your circumstances or wondered why you kept fighting the same struggle?
Jesus taught us that life as a Christ-follower will be difficult. Our world is filled with broken people who do broken things. There will be trials.
When Adam and Eve decided to pursue something “good” apart from God, their decision allowed evil to enter the world. This means there is a spiritual battle that we cannot see, and it impacts our everyday lives.
When we give our lives to Jesus, we join His team—but this also means we become a target of the devil, our enemy. Every bad thing that happens to us is not necessarily a direct attack from Satan—sometimes it’s just a result of living in a fallen, broken world. But there is a spiritual element to every situation because the devil is always trying to draw the world away from God, and he is looking for people to destroy.
When struggles happen, the devil will try to get you to believe lies about God, your situation, yourself, or other people. He will try to get you to doubt your identity and your God-given authority. But God, who has victory over Satan, is always fighting for you.
Nothing can overcome God, and so when we rely on God—nothing can overcome us.
In every situation, we are more than conquerors because God deeply loves us. This is why we don’t have to be afraid of the spiritual fight—God has already won it. We need to remind ourselves of this truth so that way we can withstand the attacks from Satan when they come.
But attacks will end, because God will win.
So today, fill your mind with truth. Hold fast to your faith, and guard your heart. Walk in peace toward everyone, and memorize Scripture so that way you can wield it as a weapon against any spiritual attack that comes your way.
And know that no matter what you face—God is already fighting for you. He is in control, and He will never leave you. He will never let you fall as long as you keep clinging to Him.
When you belong to God, you have the power to subdue, crush, and overthrow anything the devil throws at you. God’s power makes you more than a conqueror.
Get Ready...
Get Ready
Would a doctor begin an operation without surgical gear? Would a firefighter run into a burning building without a protective suit? Would a soldier head into a battle without armor?
With the exclusion of extreme situations, of course they wouldn’t.
In fact, not only do they spend years preparing for such moments, but they also learn to protect themselves from harm. If they aren’t prepared, they cannot do their job.
Writing to the believers in Ephesus from a Roman prison, the apostle Paul said:
“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”
Ephesians 6:11 NLT
Every day, we face battles that we can’t fully see. And if we’re not prepared, we cannot do our job of loving God and people well.
God’s armor is readily available, but we must make the intentional decision to dress ourselves for battle.
And what does that armor consist of?
- The belt of truth: If we don’t know what’s true, how can we discern a lie? We must look to God’s definition of truth, which is found in Scripture. His truth is unchanging, but also constantly being revealed to us. So look for what you know to be true of God, and then apply it to your life.
- The breastplate of righteousness: The only way for us to be righteous is to be covered in Jesus’ righteousness. We have to daily choose to remember that Jesus alone makes us worthy of God’s unending love.
- The shoes of peace: Jesus said that He was leaving us with a gift—peace of mind and heart. This peace isn’t something we can get from the world around us. It’s a peace that only comes from the Holy Spirit inside of us. It’s a peace that transcends our circumstances and informs our decisions.
- The shield of faith: Trusting in God’s ways and character helps to extinguish the fiery darts of the enemy. When attacks like anxiety, disappointment, fear, or depression come whizzing at us—faith helps us stand our ground and press forward. When we cling to faith, we cling to the hope we have in the One who fights with and for us.
- The helmet of salvation: Salvation comes through Christ alone, and nothing can separate us from Him. So when we trust in Christ for salvation, our souls are protected, our eternity is secure, and we can put our hope in the finished work of the cross.
- The sword of the Spirit: Scripture clearly describes this “sword” as the Word of God, which can be used both defensively and offensively. We “wield” this “sword” by memorizing Scripture and applying its teachings. When we know what God’s Word says, we can confidently deflect the half-truths the devil tries to tell us.
It’s important to remember that while we do have an enemy, it’s not each other.
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12 NLT
We need spiritual weapons to fight a spiritual battle.
When we intentionally dress ourselves in the armor of God, we can be ready for the attacks that will inevitably come our way.
Finding Your Purpose...
Finding Your Purpose
The story of Esther is a powerful testimony within the Scriptures. It tells about Esther who risked her life in order to save the people of God from danger. Esther faced the decision between what was easy and what was difficult, and she chose the more difficult way because it was the right thing to do.
Esther 4:14 points out that Esther’s purpose in life was tied to this very moment. She was crafted and shaped by God in order to fulfill His purposes in her generation. She was placed in this unique situation by God.
While most of us might not be servants in the house of a king or queen, we all have difficult decisions to make in life. Every day we are faced with situations that have easy answers, and some that are difficult.
The story of Esther teaches us that God has gifted each of us for a specific purpose. Even though the journey isn’t always easy, God promises to be with us as we follow the path He’s called us to.
Additionally, Esther did not accomplish her purpose alone. She had the support of her community fasting and praying for her. Similarly, we cannot make it through life alone. We need the support of our community praying for us. And they need us in their lives as well.
Take some time today to think about your own story. How is it similar to Esther’s? Consider the unique purpose that God has created you for. Pray to Him for strength to make the right decision in life, and to persevere in following where He leads.
Come, See, Go, Tell...
What we hear affects what we know.
What we know influences what we believe.
What we believe impacts what we do.
That’s why it is so important to listen to God’s truth.
“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.”
Romans 10:17 NLT
Throughout the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), we see Jesus inviting His followers to “come and see,” to “go and tell,” and to “listen and understand.”
Paul explains why “going and telling” matters in his letter to the Romans:
“For ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!’”
Romans 10:13-15 NLT
So what is this “Good News”?
To truly understand it, let’s first look at the bad news: we’ve all messed up. Our sin separates us from a good and holy God, and there’s nothing we can do to bridge that gap.
Now, the good news: God loves us so much that He has already made a way for us. He put on skin, paid the ultimate price by dying a criminal’s death (even though He was innocent), and has conquered the grave by rising again. He has granted us the right to become His!
This is why “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
So right now, take a moment and thank God for the gift of His Word, and the ability to receive His Good News. Then, ask Him to strengthen your faith by showing you how to share your hope with others.
Live Prepared...
Pause and think of the people who, at a moment’s notice, have to be ready for anything. Maybe your list includes first responders, the military, athletes, teachers, parents, pilots, surgeons, or pastors.
But does your list include you?
As followers of Jesus, we are called to…
“…Be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
1 Peter 3:15 NIV (Emphasis added)
We can’t expect people to observe what Jesus has commanded us unless we are also observing His commands ourselves.
Do we want people to learn about God’s love? Then we need to show God’s love to people. Do we want people to learn about Jesus’ compassion? Then we need to be compassionate. Do we want people to give generously? Then we need to be good stewards of our money. Do we want people to study God’s Word? Then we need to study it for ourselves.
When you give Jesus control over your life, you allow His love, joy, and hope to transform you. As this happens, your life becomes an act of worship that reveals His hope within you.
When you live like Jesus, people are drawn to Jesus in you.
As you worship Jesus with your life, you will be able to honestly say that Christ in you is your hope and glory—and people will believe it because they see the evidence.
They might not like who you are or agree with what you believe, but they won’t be able to find a logical reason to hate you when your life is centered around loving people the way Jesus loved you.
So as you go about each day, aim to live with gentleness and respect toward everyone—and let Jesus’ joy, love, and hope permeate your heart, mind, and relationships.
Holy is His Name...
Have you ever found yourself feeling uncertain and weighed down by your circumstances? In times like these, it can feel almost impossible to praise the Lord for all He has done.
Life's trials can often cloud our vision, making it difficult to see past our present struggles. Mary's declaration in Luke isn't solely about her blessings; it's a testament to the unchanging character of God. Despite her uncertainties and forthcoming challenges, she found the strength to proclaim the greatness of God and the holiness of His name:
"For the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name."
Luke 1:49 NIV
Even when we don’t have all the answers, we can declare, "Holy is his name."
Even when we’re faced with hardships threatening to steal our praise, we can declare, "Holy is his name."
Even when the weight of fear presses down on us, we can declare, "Holy is his name."
Our declaration, like Mary's, is rooted in the belief that God’s faithfulness remains unwavering. The belief in God’s faithfulness strengthens our resolve to glorify Him—especially in the midst of uncertainty.
So, take a moment today to recall the "great things" the Mighty One has done for you. As you do, pray that your heart may be stirred to praise His holy name, remembering He has done great things not just for others but for you, too.
Sharing the Good News...
Just before Jesus left earth and ascended to heaven, He gathered His disciples who had been with Him for the past three years. While they were sitting around a table sharing a meal, Jesus commissioned them to continue the work that He had begun.
Jesus had spent most of His ministry proclaiming the arrival of the Kingdom of God, which is the rule and reign of God. The right response to this arrival was for people to turn from their old ways and believe in Jesus.
The very first words of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark are in Mark 1:15, and they are an announcement of the arrival of God’s Kingdom. And Jesus’ last words to His disciples, starting in Mark 16:15, build upon His first announcement. The call Jesus left us with was to continue to tell others the good news of the Gospel.
This good news is that Jesus has brought the arrival of the Kingdom of God to earth, and that through His death and resurrection, He has made a way for all people to have a new life in Him.
This task of evangelism, or telling others about Jesus, was the first thing that Jesus asked His followers to do as He left earth. Telling others about what Jesus has done for them is one of the most important things that we can do with our time. We have been given the greatest gift of all—eternal life with God. But that free gift is freely available to the rest of the world as well.
So take some time today to pray for those in your life who do not know the hope that Jesus gives. Pray for their salvation, but also pray for opportunities to share your own faith story with them.
Telling others about Jesus doesn’t mean you have to stand on a street corner shouting, but it does mean you should seek out intentional and meaningful conversations with others. When we tell others about the new life and new Kingdom available to them, we are continuing the work that Jesus left us to do.
Part of the Plan...
In the beginning, God created everything.
Galaxies and volcanoes, fireflies and diamonds, oak trees and great white sharks. Finally, saving the best for last, He created humans in His image—to fill the earth, reign over its creatures, and cultivate a world that magnifies Him.
But even before the beginning, God was already there. He spoke time and space into existence, while existing outside of time and space. And long before you were born, He already knew all about you—your strengths and weaknesses, your successes and failures.
He knew all about you and chose to make you… because He loves you!
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Ephesians 2:10 NIV
You are God’s handiwork—sometimes translated as masterpiece, workmanship, or work of art.
You are also God’s masterpiece because of the unique spirit, personality, and gifts that have been uniquely wired in you.
Because we know that God is more brilliant than we could ever imagine, and because He loves us more than we could dare to hope, and because we know He writes great stories, we can trust what He has planned from beginning to end.
And His plan includes you. Yes, you! He has prepared good things for you to step into—meaningful relationships and impactful work. He is continually putting people and opportunities in your path, as well as working inside of you, giving you the desire and power to do what pleases Him (Philippians 2:13).
He has empowered you to partner with Him as we experience the greatest story on earth.
So as you consider how God has intentionally designed you and placed you at this specific point in history, what passions and callings has He placed on your heart? This could be one big thing, or several small things. As you think about that, what step do you need to take to pursue your calling with God-given confidence?